Greetings: Happy Hanukkah! Happy Rosh Chodesh!
On the eve of December 8th in Israel, the new moon was sighted. Welcome to Tevet! December 9th, today, is Tevet 1.
This article is entitled: “Israel’s Sanhedrin Makes Their Move Towards Internationalizing the Noahide Laws – Hanukkah Altar Dedication – 70 Nations Invited.” It is #50.0 under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance.
This article is regarding the Sanhedrin’s dedication of the altar for use in the third temple. It is scheduled for December 10th. Where it will be held is another story. The Sanhedrin has invited representatives from 70 nations to participate. So, “where” has to be a big area! There is a big chance that the open dedication will be cancelled for “security reasons!”
I have the Artscroll official commentaries by rabbis on the Twelve Minor Prophets. In the commentary on Zechariah 6:12-15, the rabbis tell how Messiah will build the third Temple when He comes. It’s there in black and white. So, why is the Sanhedrin and the Temple Institute so “gung ho” to build it now? There is a globalist agenda behind it. There is an anti-messiah agenda behind it. There is a trap and a snare within their part of the agenda that will lead to the deaths of multi-millions of true believers worldwide, including damnation of those who live and submit to the Noahide laws.
As always, in this article, I trample on lollypops and cotton candy–religious illusions, and fantasy–and present to you rock-solid Truth from the Scriptures and from solid facts and reality. We must learn the truthful facts. Then we can apply the knowledge to our own life. But, do your own research! The discernment of spirits, a must-have gift of the Spirit for these latter days, will let you know what is of Him, and what is not!
May 18, 2008, I wrote a stern warning entitled “Beware of the Noahide Laws.” In it is I tell why these laws will lead to the legal death of all believers – Christians, and all Messianic believers. In it, I show how the U.S. Congress approved these laws. “Beware of the Noahide Laws…” is under the Mikvah of Present Reality. Did you know that the U.S. Congress passed laws in favor of upholding the Noahide Laws for America?
Also under Present Reality is “Regarding Modern Judaism and Kabala,” from November 8, 2004. Also under Present Reality is “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and It’s Link to Rome.” That “link” to Rome, by the way, never was cut. It is stronger now than ever before. Rabbinic Judaism is ancient Phariseeism, which has always been in league with Rome, even though rabbis know that Rome had its roots in Esau.
In this article, I include notes from a recent interview by Derek Gilbert of with Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat. I also include a thorough article that ties all of this together, written by Kimberley Rogers-Brown. Take the time to read it all. You really must know these things to avoid deception! Share with others!
My article “Beware the Noahide Laws” is foundational knowledge for understanding what the Sanhedrin is hiding in this “dedication.”
You must not be deceived by what looks and sounds good in religious men. Evil is masked, and the mask is full of spirits of seducing, beguiling, and deadly deception. Go to Abba, and the whole of the Word taught by His Spirit. Learn from Him. Being Spirit-taught is normalcy for a truly born again child of Elohim!
IF there is no public dedication on Monday, last day of Hanukkah for rabbi-followers, because of security reasons – i.e. danger from hostile forces in the area — the goal remains the same–to enslave all non-Jews, which they call “gentiles,” under the Noahide Laws, which are to do with Oral Law and the Talmud – which are governed by Pharisee-rabbis.
We must submit ONLY to the Spirit of Yahuwah and judge everything through the Spirit. As always, man’s religious teachings lead to deception and even damnation. Messiah called the Pharisees children of “the Devil,” John 8. Learn why!
In love and shalom,
December 9, 2018
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