Shalom, Chag Sameach!
“Is Yahuwah Removing the Wedge From Us?” is #205.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
In the midst of my concentration on moving on Yahuwah’s “urgent” schedule, I felt I must give you this information. Many of you are keeping up with it, I’m sure, however I give you some information you might not have – yet. I have wonderful why Yahuwah is so urgent about my getting into my new place by mid-October.
He has taken care of much to help me. I told you the miracle of finding the place.
Recently, I was taken by the 3 (family) who are here, to Lowe’s, to get a refrigerator. I have not owned my own refrigerator in America since 1995. How does one get a top-brand state-of-the-art refrigerator, even with an ice maker, priced at $1,250.00, for under 400.00 less? Abba!!! I did have a 4’ Japanese refrigerator, costing about 175 JD or around $200.00, in Jordan.
I know I am coming in under “His wire” in my moving-timing. But He has led all the way and given me strength to pack. Thank you for your prayers!
Now things are happening that are incredibly dangerous to us. One of them is this fake Covid diagnosis on President Trump – Yahuwah’s Wedge – which He allowed for praying Americans, for a while. It would be great if he was re-elected. But who will emerge from wherever he is? And, where is Melania?
This article reads like a mystery novel in some ways, but absolutely true.
Watch to see if Trump emerges. Pay close attention to see if he is “different.”
I am more than concerned. “Mike from around the world” on Begley’s program 2 Thursday’s ago, told about a dream he had that was making him very nervous. I believe it was about Trump. He couldn’t tell the audience of course. He’s over a group of people in our nation’s “intelligence” division. His dream was confirmed to him, he said, as the news reported on the death of Ginsburg. Pictures showed President Trump standing behind her casket on the “stone steps” of the U.S. Supreme Court building. In Mike’s dream, the words “stone steps” were repeated.
More and more space debris is falling into our atmosphere, now being seen over the world, and recently over the U.S., i.e. Ohio. I write about that too in this 3-page article. Pray like you’ve never prayed before, travail in prayer, praise much, worship much, and prepare like you’ve never prepared before.
In His love, Yedidah
October 5, 2020