“Is the Covid Vaccine the Mark of the Beast?” is under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness, #86.0, or “Recent Articles on the main page.”
I have held off in writing this and done loads of research with noted doctors and watchmen reporting the truth of it all. I’ve gotten into the interworking of the Moderna and Pfizer toxic soup and what it does to the human body.
Is this really the “mark” as in Revelation 13? Many believers are rushing to get the vaccine, which Moderna clearly shows is not a vaccine but a “gene editing,” DNA-changing experiment. They call it the “software of life.”
I wrote an article not long ago about it, posted under the Mikvah of Present Reality #218, “Covid Vaccine…” It is not a vaccine. It is an experiment in re-writing what makes us human, to hook us up with A.I. (artificial intelligence) using 5-G technology. It’s the foundation-layer for the activation when the Beast comes to power. It is the set-up that will dehumanize a person forever.
I’ve held off writing about it until my spirit was satisfied with the truth, and I had peace. In a recent presentation by Anthony Patch, followed by an article by Kimberley Rogers-Brown, and others, I came to peace with my understanding. Now I can study the topic in absolute peace, without any fear. So, I share with you the bottom line, as well as introduce the topic of “the internet of bodies.”
Please share this information with other believers. What does the vaccine do to us? Is it the “mark” of the Beast? I answer all of that, in simple terms and scientific terms, and share with you what is happening in Israel. Please listen to the 6-minute video in which an Israeli, with broken heart, tells what is happening there. It is the testing ground for the new world order and its totally controlled citizens.
Mankind has a clear choice: Life in a new world order as a non-human cyborg (part machine), or the Kingdom of Heaven – even if entered through beheading.
I also expose the “camp” inside Israel, built by America, built for “resisters,” which is identical to the 851 camp layouts in America of F.E.M.A. Now Israel is asking F.E.M.A. to tell them what to do with the resisters. Jerusalem is being prepared to be the capital of the Beast empire, the “4th Reich.”
What I write here is fundamental to your understanding of how to conduct your life from now on. If you do not take measures to deal with this information, there is
nothing more to be said.
In His love, Yedidah
March 10, 2021
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