Happy Aviv:

Is the Covid Vaccine the Mark of the Beast? UPDATE!” is #87.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness,” or under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

This is a totally new article with new information that builds on the March 10th article “Is the Covid Vaccine the Mark of the Beast?”

     This is an UPDATE, OR A PART II. Please read these two articles carefully, and share! Ignorance does not lead to “bliss.”

This contains some awesome information about your DNA that is your identifier by our Creators. After writing this article yesterday, I felt to wait until today to post it. As always, Abba Yahuwah has surprises that confirm to us what He has said through others.

Last night, in reading more of Steve Quayle’s book Xenogenesis, Turning Men into Monsters, 2014, he began writing about our DNA and quoting from some back in 2014 who confirm what I wrote on March 10th, quoting the Moderna chief medical scientist of today, Tal Zaks.

In this presentation, I share with you three articles with more information, the third one zeroing in on Tal Zaks and his bold statement on video “we are actually hacking the software of life.”  That software of life has the Creators signature and nature all over it. It is amazing! If you are born again, your Creators changed your DNA and updated and refreshed it, and augmented it. The not-vaccine experimental gene-editing of your “software of life” will undo what He did. Don’t give in under pressure. Know what Isaiah 41:10-13 is saying!

This article only reviews the 1st one on March 10th briefly. So, this goes into more understanding of why a person who takes vaccine I, vaccine II, and on and on for more plandemics, real diseases, worse diseases, sprayed on us, or who knows how else it will be delivered. The more we uncover what is planned, the more we realize that the targeting goal is to eliminate the creation of Yahuwah from the earth, as they were doing “in the days of Noah.” Next comes a form of Ebola, already introduced into specific areas, that causes internal hemorraging, causing a person’s inner organs to explode as a person bleeds to death internally. More blood sacrifice to satan being planned.

If you really know Yahuwah and Yahushua and are in communication with Them, always basking in Their Presence, you know that Psalm 91:1 is the portal to receiving from Them, also John 15:7 – “dwelling,” and “abiding.” But, abiding where? In the Presence of Yahuwah, the Spirit, and in Messiah, the Savior. How does one abide and dwell in heavenly places here on earth? The re-born spirit is a portal into the throne room of heaven! If His Spirit dwells within our re-born spirit, we live in His Presence within us, and Messiah is honored within us by Him.

Please read the two articles slowly and carefully, and go to the Master in prayer about what He wants you to do. In the last few months several of my friends, friends I’ve known personally, and friends on line, have told me that they’ve sold their houses and are in transition to safer places. They are all happy they made the decision because their decision was based on “Yahuwah told me…” They were led by the Spirit. You never regret obeying the Spirit of Yahuwah. The only regrets you’ll ever have is going by your own reasoning, and worse – by someone else’s reasoning. It’s an either-or now – either align with the nature, ways, thinking, and directives of Yahuwah within your spirit, your belly area, and then let your mind say “yes, Sir” as you begin to act on what He’s said. When He tells me to move, not knowing where I’m going, I start packing. Isn’t that the “faith of Abraham?” He was told to go. He had no map, no GPS, no phone, no computer, no TV, nothing – He just obeyed and look what it got him!!!  Us…!!!

He is our father in faith!!! We’re on of the grains of sand or one of the stars in the cosmos promised to him. Blessings!!! Shalom, Yedidah

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