Breaking News Update
“Is It Possible That the COVID-19 Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast?” is under the Mikvah of Present Reality #181.0, or Recent Articles.
Today is March 22nd. It is a very satanic day in the dark kingdom. It is on the logo of the Skull and Bones. Does anyone know why? March 22nd begins a week of darkness historically.
I address here the possibility that the vaccine that will be mandatory to stop the coronavirus is somehow related to the “mark of the beast.” Tom Horn proposed this idea in an interview with Sid Roth this last week. I am on the lookout for anything that is injected under the skin that is mandatory to align to the world government rules.
I also include breaking news in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We know that New York City is under lockdown. Lockdowns are said to be two weeks, but they could be as long as two-three months as proposed. Stores are nearly out of food. Does this sound familiar. It was only a short time ago that I reported on the situation in Wuhan, China, where multi-millions of people in huge cities people were locked into their homes and could not get food, if there was any food to get.
A weakened America is also prophetic (Jeremiah 50-51). Refer to: “Third Clues and More…” under the Mikvah of Preparation. The move towards global takeover and uniting under a Beast system is in process. I did a podcast and posted an article today that gives the secret of maintaining peace and joy through it all: “The Creative Power of the Tongue.” May you put the instructions into practice and have no fear! It is a powerful principal to grab hold of.
In the article, I tell how most all my regular finances for my rent, other bills and needs come from a very few who send offerings to my Post Office box. But, as of tomorrow morning, I may not be able to get to my Post Office box. I’m going to try.
I will contact the few personally for an alternative means of sending offerings by mail. But, for now, if you can, please use the Pay Pal option on the Contact tab on the main page of the website. That way I can transfer the offering to my bank and not have to go out. Thank you for your prayers and loving help!
In His love, Yedidah
March 22, 2020