
“Incapable” is #124.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

This article has been very hard for me to write. I’ve edited it a lot! I’ve been reading over and over my notes taken from Mike Adams’ message at Steve Quayle’s October Conference “Brace for Impact.” Adams is a bottom-liner. He puts no fluff in his messages to entertain anybody. I like that. He just says what is, and goes on. However, there were quite a few things he said in his presentation that I can’t stop reading over and over – bluntly overwhelmingly numbing. I must continue doing what Abba has told me to do as long as He wants me to do it. Then I go on another assignment. But, for now, I do clearly understand what he said.

So, I write very cautiously about my struggle with its finalities. Again, I have to go back to a few things in my testimony-past in order to explain the strange title. But now the strange title is present reality as well as what hurts the heart of Elohim.

Truthful reality is a dying species that most people want to die. There are a few of us who want it to increase more and more, like me. I hope that’s you too.

I know that what Adams says in this arena is absolutely true. I’ve known it for a very long time. I’ve listened to Steve Quayle, Doug Hagmann, Dave Hodges, Mike Adams, Michael Lake, and on and on – watchmen saying the same things for a long time – frustrated and radically shaking the head in unbelief about it. But, for me, it is devasting reality I don’t want to think about – but I must.

The technology used now on the mind goes far beyond “mind-programming,” as in the past. It has the power to erase memory, shut down faith, destroy the brain, re-program it, and hook it up to A.I. technology for total control of it.

So, just know I write not from a critical or judgmental position but from one of “yea, that’s true.” The great division is happening to separate the masses of the unsaved-lost of this world from the tiny “few” truly born-again children of Yahuwah. The few are getting fewer. I’m sure you’ve noticed.

So much of it is because the true Good News is such a weak message in western evangelical Christianity that it is a miracle anyone can be truly born again. The churches are become places where the lost feel at home. Begley was talking about the Muslims that faithfully attend Joel Osteen’s huge church.

So, we’re having a great global revival to sweep millions into the churches huh? Fantasyland! Kepha/Peter answers that question in Acts 2 addressing the Pharisees.

I share a lot of information here for you to take to Abba in prayer. I have not come to any bottom-line conclusions yet, but I know to be sensitive to the Spirit and adjust my mind-set as He sees fit on a moment-by-moment basis. I only disagree with Adams, somewhat, in one place. Yet, I understand where he’s coming from. The truth is heavy. We’ve crossed the line, never to go back again, as the human race.

Saturating our mind with the Word protects it from a lot. But, having a strong relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua via the re-born spirit brings the Word into present reality. They speak to the re-born spirit within our belly area. They cannot speak to a “double-mind.” Thus, the work of the Spirit, as we allow Him, is to unite the mind and the spirit so that we are finally one spirit-man, as Adam and Eve before they went AWOL.

If you celebrate Christmas, please read “Yahushua’s Birthday…” under the Mikvah of Eternal Salvation. We can all celebrate the coming of the wise men when the “toddler” was 15 months old, at Hanukkah on December 25, 02 BCE. If you’re a real lover of truth, read my Christmas tree-killing article “Joyful Abominations”/

Mikvah of Set-Apartness.

I was posting the article back in 2006, just before Christmas. I was home from Jordan and staying with one of my daughters. She had a Christmas tree in the living room with just red bows on it. It was a fresh live tree. I posted the article on my computer directly across from the tree. The next day, I returned from shopping to see the tree lying by the curb in the street. Pine needles were strewn from the living room out the door and down the driveway to the street.  I asked my daughter what happened. She said the tree died. My first thought was: “OH No, I killed it.” The truth in my article must have too much for that poor tree to bear.

If you don’t celebrate Christmas, don’t get on your high horse against those that do. They may love the Father and our Savior more than you do. They may just need a little adjustment in knowledge as they are ready for it. Father does have His ways… But, if there is anything Abba hates more than anything else, it’s religious pride and arrogance in His Name. We desperately need to focus on our own lack of understand so that we learn how Yahuwah thinks and acts, and copy Him.

Believe me, His family needs to love one another and edify, build faith, exhort, admonish, lead to truth in gentleness and compassion. “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” Almost everyone on earth is hurting in some way now. It’s not time to play Pharisee!!! It’s time to read I John.

Each human being will either stand before the judgment seat of Yahushua, OR the judgment seat of Yahuwah 1,000 years later. Let us focus on what our role is in this “end-game” and go forward to do it.

In His love and mercy, Yedidah

December 23, 2020



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