“Huge and Terrifying News – Huge and Precious Promises” is #352.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality. It may be podcasted, as Abba leads.
After being gone for 5 days for my grandson’s graduation and family gathering, it took me over a week to catch up with the news on various sites that Abba leads me to, concise complete news from people who know the Word of Yahuwah and how it is leading us to prepare for the return of our Beloved Savior and Master (Revelation 11:15-19, Revelation 19).
A recent Quayle interview with Doug Hagmann ( is titled: “The U.S. is out of bombs, bullets, missiles, and time.” America has emptied the nation of any self-defense, or any way to make war. Yet, continually, the U.S. along with the UK, and all other NATO nations has been provoking Russia to go to war.
Russia is the most technologically superior nation in nuclear missile weaponry, electronic warfare, submarine technology, EMPs, and on and on – in the world. Why is the U.S. provoking them to start WWIII, along with a very inferior UK and NATO militarily weapons-wise, and sanity-wise? The plan for a long has been to destroy America 100%, destroy the UK, a NATO nation, and destroy all of Western Europe too, all under NATO. The destruction of America is foretold all through the prophetic writings of the Bible.
Here, before Messiah returns, Lucifer is giving the orders. Before the Beast can take his throne in Jerusalem, all those praying to Jesus/Yeshua/Yahushua/ – the Savior, all in league with Yahuwah, all those who believe the Word of Elohim, all who are against the evils of Lucifer’s kingdom of humans, fallen angels, Nephilim, Rephaim have to be eliminated, so he is free to destroy the earth as in Genesis 1:2.
Russia is a declared Christian nation whose laws are being made to conform to those of the Bible. This frightens Lucifer and all the fallen ones. Russia was prosperous and peaceful, and Abba has blessed that nation. So, Lucifer starts chaos, thinking that to get Russia to destroy the once Christian West would be a laughable matter. It’s his sense of humor. ALL the prophets of the Bible, all of them, and all of Revelation, the words of Messiah and the apostle, all focus on the destruction of the end of what Nimrod started with Babylon, the final end-time Babylon, to bring about what Nimrod wanted with his tower (Genesis 11) – to go into heaven and kill God and all His angels and take over the earth once again. Pitiful but that’s their goal. Most all government leaders now are Lucifer worshippers, many are Nephilim. But, the laugh is on him (Revelation 19-20)
We’re now in a rapid buildup of Yahuwah’s judgment that has to be before Messiah returns. The “day of Yahuwah,” is all through the Bible – as the day of His return, and the finalities of the destruction of all the rebels against Yahuwah and Yahushua. The world’s people are taking sides, and as we read in Revelation 13, the world will side with Lucifer most of all. A tiny few will side with Yahuwah and Yahushua. But that’s the victory side!!!
Much information in this article, and more to come as long as I can report. The taking down of the truth tellers is kicking into high gear.
Shalom, Yedidah – June 9, 2024