Shock! I went to my website this morning and saw that the dedication to Yahuwah had been removed, and this web notice put with the website link: “Come, Enter the Mikvah – A website for mikvah users” “ Web: This website provides foundational and practical articles, audio teachings, and contact information for people who want to use the mikvah, a set-apart place for purification and” …
I have been disturbed for some time about the pictures and comments about a “mikvah” to the right of the site information. They show a modern-style mivkah for religious Jews. This is the opposite of what the site is all about!
The words “a website for mikvah users” is 100% opposite of what the title refers to. “Come, enter the mikvah” is an invitation to enter the truth – the cleansing truth of the Word as spoken by Yahuwah and Yahushua. The website is set-apart to Them, but the “Set-Apart to Yahuwah” statement has been removed.
Please READ about the purpose of the site under “About.” The “mikvah” pictures are of ancient sites in Israel, like at Qumran, and Korazim, which pictures are shown on the site referencing the 10 different divisions of articles, and the “Audio Teachings” site.
If you use Microsoft “Bing,” note that they put other links to the right. However, if you just put in into “google,” it shows, to the right, pictures of a rabbinic mikvah that are disturbing – referencing Orthodox Judaism.
My purpose is not to Judaize Christians, or Messianics either. I am outside of all religious affiliations, teaching the reality of the Persons of Father and Son and Their Word. My purpose is to teach the whole of the Word and what it says about certain topics, especially to do with preparing for the return of Messiah Yahushua/Jesus.
I am not trying to slot into any religious slots of man, only to present what the whole Word says and show in real life how the prophecies of Messiah’s return are coming to pass.
My purpose, as shown in quite a few articles, is to tear apart the lies of Christianity and the Messianic Movements that spring from man’s religion, and to only show you what the Word of Yahuwah and Yahushua (Elohim, “Father and Son”) says about in Their Word/Bible.
I was born again in 1954, and have spent my life telling others about salvation through the blood of the Lamb, Messiah, who is featured from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. I take His people back to the ancient culture to show how far the English language has taken people from the Truth.
I clearly establish the “true new birth” and the mandate to the “filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah.” Yet, though I was ordained and had my own corporation as a Christian, Yahuwah has taken me to 39 nations, living in over 16, years, living in two others later on, on another continent, and taught me Himself. I have traveled and taught all over the U.S. as well, going into some nations many times to teach, preach, and bring the gifts of the Spirit, who is Yahuwah Himself, into reality. I am “Spirit-taught,” and align to all of the major watchmen of today, most all being Christians, proclaiming the reality of the return of Yahushua/Jesus Messiah.
My purpose is to teach, exhort, encourage, strengthen, and build-up those who are born again, or need to be born again, and filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah in order survive in the days ahead and enter the Kingdom of heaven with reward.
The fallen ones have taken off many websites and YouTube programs, and broadcast, and podcasts, because the evil ones under the rule of Lucifer, and the fallen angels, fear greatly the Truth. All who side with the lies of man are friends of the fallen ones. The lies are getting greater. In my podcasts I’ve podcasted many books of the Bible.
My purpose is to build up the remnant of these last days who will be like Gideon’s 300, and to strengthen all to overcome and endure through – to either be martyred with peace, or go through whatever is necessary to remain faithful to Yahuwah and Yahushua, by whatever name a person has been raised to use, and to show the Hebrew names, titles, and wording that clears up so much distortion that confuses because of the use of English – from the Latin translations.
We’re entering “night” when “no man can work,” and so this is just a booster for you to prepare and realize that our right to be who we are in Them (Father and Son) is being taken from the earth. Please encourage others to subscribe, at least to visit the site.
My site was never meant to the “Jewish!” It was never meant to be “Christian.” I am passionate for the truth that only comes from knowing Elohim (Father and Son). We must come out of man’s teachings and allow the Spirit, who is Yahuwah, to teach us. Always He sends His children to confirm to us what He has said to us. Confirmation of His prophetic Word being fulfilled is happening every day.
All of the true watchmen of Yahuwah, as in Isaiah 52, are seeing “eye to eye,” the return of Yahushua/Jesus/Yeshua/Isa … so we can take comfort that we are uniting as a born-again family. But, note that the fallen ones will soon take away our Bibles and shut down all truth-telling. Lucifer-Satan is a liar, and all who side with him are preparing the world to receive the Revelation 13 “Bestial” ruler.
I pray that some Orthodox Jews investigate the site and become believers in Yahushua/Yeshua. It’s not a matter of prayer, but now of Gideon 300 warfare.
In His love, shalom, blessings, Yedidah
August 13, 2023