Shabbat Shalom!

“Here’s Not All There and Much More Besides That,” Mikvah of Present Reality #225.0, or Recent Articles on the main page.

It appears we’re in a lull now, waiting for the next shoe to drop – because we are … but we won’t have to wait too long for the second shoe to drop! Already, they’re gearing up for the new strain of Ebola which is now inside the U.S. – a highly deadly strain that causes internal hemorrhaging, causing a person to bleed to death from “exploding” inner organs. As is obvious, it is a supreme blood sacrifice to Satan as is abortion and other forms of human sacrifice. More new vaccines also will appear, setting people’s body up for total disengagement from their humanity.

Here, I am just updating you on some hidden news that you’re not supposed to figure out, but I bet some of you have figured it out. “They” want to stay totally mentally and spiritually blind, deaf, and stupid bubble-brained, doing what you’re told to do. I know you don’t want to be like that!!! You’re feeding your mind with the Word so that you retain wisdom, knowledge, faith, strength to continue, peace, joy, and victory in overcoming – isn’t that you?

Years ago, I knew I’d be writing profusely – trying to keep up with breaking events. My ability to do this, along with the ability of all watchmen to report, is very quickly being shut down and off. How much longer truth is able to get out is in our thoughts. So, receive what you can, research as led by the Spirit, and prepare like tomorrow all takes a nose dive into the pit. The set-up process always takes planning and preparing, but once ready to go – it’s easy to make it fly fast forward.

Most of the world’s people are just staring blankly at the crashing in of our life here on earth, and just doing as they’re told in order, they think, to keep working, eating, and staying alive.

In western nations we have a little bit more chance of continuing a little longer if we take our chance early enough! However, we have no long-time anymore to prepare for what’s coming – coming, not in consecutive order, but in deluges of events happening one right after the other. This is how He will shorten the 3 1/2 years of what Messiah called “great tribulation.” The Greek text does not say “the great tribulation,” only “great tribulation. Things are happening you’ll never hear on public news, like the ash build-up in the air from so many volcanoes going off – i.e. NOT good for our lungs, for food-growing of crops, plane flights, or raising animals. The oceans are being heated purposely to kill the sea life. It’s all in the Word in detail. It’s just hard to see so many things happening in so many arenas at once.

This is a brief update with an emphasis on our “government” in America – as in “who is running the government?” I give you some information that may surprise you – but maybe not.

This article might make this Passover 8-day celebration more important than ever. It may be our last to celebrate until we drink wine from the fourth cup with Messiah in the Kingdom. In this rising 7th-kingdom, a final “Pharaoh” is rising to kill the children of Yahuwah, but reserve a few back as slaves. What stands between him and us is the blood of the Lamb of Yahuwah!!!

Shalom, blessings, Yedidah

March 26, 2021

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You’ll see Derek’s name on the Pay Pal account, but that’s my son – he manages it for me. All that you send comes to me.

I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!


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