“He’s Alive on Earth, In Control, and Giving Orders to His Servants” is #250.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
This one may be a shocker to you. The information was so overwhelming, I felt I needed to share it with you. This is from a broadcast by Daniel Holdings, filling in for Steve Quayle, a few days ago. I include Daniel dramatic dream, along the information that the Beast is with us.
As things keep compacting, and happening all at the same time, we know in our spirit to stay before the Master in humility and submission to hear from Him and do as He asks of us without any balking.
When we hear and see confirmation of what we’re sensing in our spirit, what He is saying to us within our spirit, and in the Word, it becomes more and more real. Abba always sends confirmation to us of what He is saying, both in the Logos (written Word) and in the Rhema (the spoke Word to us personally). We should be so sensitive to Him that we feel His impressions, we ask Him continually to show us His will so that we might obey Him. He wants to be very personal with us, and let us in on what He is seeing from His vantage point. When we allow Him to teach us what He is seeing, then we know how to proceed.
“…we’re all in our places with sunshiny faces” is where we need to be for the short haul. Things are accelerating. So much is happening under the surface, i.e. under the ice of Antarctica, and under the earth in tunnels and cities. The power of the fallen ones is growing greater as more and more align with them.
Yet, the power of the true “taught ones,” (i.e. disciples) of the Master should be increasing in boldness and strength of faith and resolve to trust and obey. As we get stronger, all fear is gone, because we know the great love of our Abba Yahuwah and our Master-Savior Yahushua Messiah. We understand Their nature, ways, and thinking. We allow the Spirit of Yahuwah to reshape us so that we think like Them, we act like Them, we speak like Them. He is unifying those whom He calls “my children.”
It is a terrifying time, but on the other hand an exciting time because we see who has the greatest power of all, who really rules, and we know He shares his power and authority with us by His Spirit.
We don’t go by our reasoning mind, but only by what He has said to us, and our relationship with Him.
There is an urgency in our spirit to get positioned. I feel it strongly, so am pressing forward in prayer with all my heart that the building of my small cottage begins soon, and the provision to pay for it comes in.
I am not alone in this urgency, praise Abba. He is in “urgent mode,” too.
In His love, shalom, Yedidah
December 27, 2021
***For offerings, gifts, tithe, please use one of these two options
1) For giving via check or money order: Make all out to Charlotte Townsend, P.O. Box 3244, Cleburne, Texas, 76033 or
2) Use the Pay Pal Option under “Contact” on the main page of the website, upper righthand corner.
***Note*** Make sure that you send via Pay Pal only through the “friends and family” option, so that we are not taxed for what you send. Your gifts are simply that – gifts. I no longer have my 501C corporation.
*** If sending for the building of my little cottage, please mark your gifts for that, and I will set it aside for only building expenses. [The building has not started yet as of Dec. 8th – just the plans are being drawn up.]
My son Derek manages this option, but all gifts come to me.
I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!