Healing – Part V – We’ve Been Robbed!


This article is entitled “Healing – Part V We’ve Been Robbed!” It is under the Mikvah of the Spirit, #28.0.

This is the grand finale of the Healing series. In it are many quotes from the records of Maria Woodworth-Etter, who held revivals from 1885 until the early 1900s. When you read these accounts, you will exclaim as I did – “We have been robbed!” Just in my lifetime, I have seen the power of Elohim moving among His people in great manifestations of His Spirit – in my own life, in my ministry, and in the ministry of others. Today, spiritual death has set in, and few even hear from Him anymore, or care to.

Charlatans abound who entertain by false signs and wonders, but if there is a counterfeit, there is also a genuine! Where is the genuine? Will we see it again before Messiah returns?

This article shares with you the heart of Elohim. It includes amazing events that will cause your spirit to long for the return of His power, signs, and wonders. Because mankind does not want the signs and wonders of Yahuwah’s Spirit,  mankind is receiving, and will receive, the manifestations of Satan. Christians, Messiancs, and Jews, and all people in general, will be fascinated with the signs of Satan, because they have rejected the power of Yahuwah. It is statistics that over 40% or more of American Christians do not even believe in a real Satan, demons, or in a real Holy Spirit; over 50% do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God.

The end-time remnant who will be endued with power from on high is tiny, but these who are totally given over to Yahuwah will do exploits in the earth to prepare the way of Yahushua.

This is an exciting report. Please make sure you’ve not just skimmed, or lightly read over Healing Part I, II, III, and IV, but gone over the Scriptures for yourself, reading in context, so that you might get His message into your spirit. There’s no time left for taking the Words, passion, and will of Elohim lightly.



January 30, 2019

Healing - Part V  We've Been Robbed!
Healing - Part V We've Been Robbed!
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