Healing – Part IV


“Healing – Part IV” is posted under the Mikvah of the Spirit #27.0. It is also under Recent Articles on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com

There will be one more in the healing series, as far as I know. It will be entitled “Healing – Part V: We’ve Been Robbed!”

Oh how weakened are His people in western culture because of religion, a tool of Satan to rob us of what is rightfully ours. But, not just because of religion, but because of the culture of seducing and beguiling that has allured the people into harlotry and selfishness, a Proverb 7 culture. As my son taught yesterday at the assembly, people don’t want boundaries anymore – they want to create their own life out of their own will, and the rebellion against boundaries is growing. Thus is the root of one world government – no country boundaries, one ruler over all. That is not just true coming from the openly rebellious, but from most western believers.

Perhaps some of you don’t know, but the enemy is fighting these articles and podcasts, and coming against me, very hard. I had podcasted Parts I, II, III, and IV. Then I found out that only Part I and ½ of Part II recorded. There was a techno-problem with the Spreaker podcast studio. My son had to reach Spreaker in Europe, and finally he got response as to how to fix the problem. But, within a few hours after the problem was solved, I got came down with a bad ear infection, very painful, and laryngitis. I have used my time to write the articles out and post them so that I can resume podcasting as soon as possible.

My ear is still very painful, and the laryngitis is still there. It has been difficult sleeping because of the pulsating pain from the ear. I am doing all I can to help heal, but Abba has to do the final healing. He will … This is His work, and it will go on. The enemy wants to wear us down by troubles, or soothe us down, so that we are set on the sidelines. But, even when I almost died in January of 2011, I sat up in bed and continued to write articles. Why waste time! “Redeem the time, for the days are evil.”

Since the enemy hates the message of these articles, which is to set Yahuwah’s people free, then you should share them – right? You should practice what is written in them – right? – Because in these articles and podcasts there is power to set people free, and that scares the enemy very much!

You think you got problems, you don’t know what problems are until the world goes into anti-messiah mode, beginning in America. It’s happening. Brother Steven ben Nun said recently that everything we’re seeing is for the set-up of world government. He’s right. But, world government began taking form when announced from Europe in May of 1999. I heard it in Jordan.

What you do with all the information I have provided on how to receive the true new birth, the baptism into the Spirit, how to walk by faith, how to do correct intercession, how to pray effectually, how to be free of the past and set others free, the infilling and gifts of the Spirit, relationship with Elohim, how to know what is happening in our world, and how to walk in the power of Elohim–is up to you. I have poured out His Word and His instructions for 22 years to date via electronic means and person-to-person means, and long before that in other means, so I have done my part, and will continue as long as I can. Yet, in all my years of research, writing, teaching, counseling, answering questions, traveling all over the world, holding meeting, etc. very few have caught the fire to walk in His Truth and His power. Oh, I get thank yous, which I appreciate. I get people who are excited for a while, but I suppose the cares of this life shut them down, and I don’t hear from them anymore. The remnant is small, very small. But, He is gathering His remnant into small groups to prepare for what is ahead.

I am thrilled with the few who walk in His ways as a lifestyle. That’s incredibly rare in the western world. So few care to pray, let alone reach out to the lost. There is more to it than taking them to church or congregation – we must demonstrate the power of Elohim in our lives, and in our ministry to others. We are all His ministers, ambassadors, vessels, servants.

People want to see Him working. They sure see the devil working. But, faith is almost gone. Messiah sadly said, “When I come, will I find faith on the earth?” Yes He will!

I grow very tired with the battle. So, I am enjoying being ministered to in the Prayer and Training Center that Abba has brought me to here in Fort Worth. It is so wonderful to be with people who are Spirit-taught. Unless we are Spirit-taught, we walk in error in some way, and there is division with others. We are disciples of whoever teaches us. John 14, 15, and 16…The Spirit is our Teacher.

Those Spirit-taught, Spirit-led, Spirit empowered, Spirit-controlled, are becoming more and more powerful in the earth, soon to be unleashed! It is up to each individual if they want to be ready to meet the Master. Every day I do what He tells me to do. Soon, I will be reassigned.

Please read slowly, look up Scriptures … do your own research.

Love and shalom, Yedidah

January 28, 2019





Healing - Part IV
Healing - Part IV
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