“Healing Part III” is now posted under Recent Articles the Mikvah of the Spirit #26.0. There will be two more in this series. I am getting so many more wonderful things to share with you via Abba, writings and podcasts on healing will expand into even more.
We have been robbed of what is our right, our privilege, by religion, by propaganda, by false doctrines, by twisting of Scripture, by opinions of men, by mind-control, by mind-manipulation, by intellectualism, by fear, by a false spirit of “holiness,” and by wrong thinking about ourselves. Thus, most believers today are weakened–denying the power and authority that is ours through faith: “…having a form of godliness, but denying the power of it. Turn away from these!…always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (II Timothy 4:5, 7)
Apply to yourself what I write, study the Scriptures slowly, learn from my many years of experience in seeing and experiencing the power of Yahuwah for myself, and for others. As Pastor Allen Shook from Texas said years ago, “If you do things the Bible way, you will get the Bible results.” He saw many miracles in his ministry.
The podcasting problem has been solved. HalleluYah! I thank those of you who have signed up with Spreaker as a follower, as I shared in the last letter. This helps get the podcasts out to more people, showing higher stats. The podcasts for Healing Parts II, III, IV, and more, will hopefully begin this coming week.
In His love, shalom,
Yedidah, January 26, 2019
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