Healing – Part II


Newly posted is the article “Healing – Part II,” #25.0/Mikvah of the Spirit.

This is the second of the four-part series that I tried to podcast on January 22nd. I found that only ½ of Part II was recorded, and none of parts III and IV. So, my son and I are trying to fix a tech-problem. Then I will re-podcast. But, in the meantime, you can listen to Part I and ½ of Part II under Audio Teachings, and you can study with me through these articles. The podcasts hold more anointing and more revelation of course, but we’ll get on to that when the problem is solved. Pray with us that it be soon!

Nothing right now is more important to your life than your getting totally  healed in all ways–spirit, soul, and body. The healing of the spirit by the true new birth is the greatest of all miracles! We can’t enter the Kingdom of heaven without it. SECOND is the healing of the soul – the mind, emotions, hurtful memories, and deliverance from demonic oppression. Without this, we cannot go on to our full potential as children of Elohim. LASTLY, and what is most emphasized in healing is the healing of the body. Yet, the spirit-man, comprised of soul and spirit, is eternal. We’ll get a new body if we are born again and go on to maturity in spiritual lives by the power of the Spirit of Yahuwah within us.

We are no more than carnal worldly beings unconnected to Yahuwah’s help if we are not born again, and if we do not go on into the Kingdom of Light by allowing the Spirit to transform us. The churches are not teaching the fullness of what He has given us. Messianic assemblies surely are not. The power and authority to overcome the works of the enemy is for us – today – the book of Acts is alive today! We’ve been robbed of even who we are as believers. I want to share with you who are in Elohim, what you are, and what you will become if you allow Yahuwah, the Spirit, and Yahushua to control your life.

“Let us go on to perfection/maturity!” Let us be healed in all ways so that we can reach out to others so that they may also be healed!

In His love,


January 24, 2019

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