While we wait for my podcast studio via Spreaker to correct the problem with podcasts LXXXIX, XC, and XCI on healing that I did yesterday, which did not record yesterday, you can still listen to Part I under Audio Messages on, and ½ of part II. The other parts are silent.
My son is waiting for Spreaker to tell us what happened. It’s their techno-problem! My son also could not record when he tested his Spreaker set-up last night. So, we wait.
In the meantime, I will be posting the four podcasts in article form. I won’t let the enemy stop the work of Abba through this servant.
This series of articles is about all types of healing – healing of the sin-sick spirit in the true new birth, our sin-sick soul (mind/emotions/bad memories/bad thoughts about ourselves, our guilt, our regrets, our shame, and healing of our bodies.
This article is entitled “Healing – Part I,” and is #24.0 under the Mikvah of the Spirit, which the other three will be posted under also. This is also under “Recent Articles” on the website main page.
I decided to not make one huge article/study of so many pages, but to break down the study so the four are close to the podcast divisions. All the same information and even more will be in the articles.
Please read the Scriptures slowly for yourself to hear from Abba for yourself! Please do not skim the articles, or lightly go over them. Let your mind relax so that Abba can speak to your spirit, and your mind can begin to respond to what He wants to do in you.
Please know that the podcasts and articles are from the heart of Yahuwah to a remnant who has decided to go all the way with Him and become His faithful servants. I do not write for those who are too busy to run into Daddy’s arms for hugs, too busy to sit quietly and learn from His Spirit as they research His Word with Him, too busy to sit in His Presence, too busy to learn from Him what He wants them to do. I write to bring wholeness from a true new birth to purity and set-apartness of our whole being.
As in Ezekiel 8-11:23, Abba has withdrawn His Spirit except from a remnant who is connected with Him by Messiah, who unite together as one, and let His Spirit teach them. He’s building His remnant from the John 17 unity, the Daniel 11:32 who know their Elohim. Also, He has not withdrawn from those who will be saved by the ministry of His servants. He is weeding out, however, the tares and the chaff. The great falling away, apostasy, is well into its fullness.
What I write and podcast in this series is life changing for those who want to be free of all that the enemy has afflicted them with, clear down to the shame received as a child, the hurts, the wounds of spirit and soul. Once free, we must overflow in our thanksgiving to others so that they are free.
Please share this group of articles with others, and the podcasts as a whole. There are many articles from Abba’s heart, and podcasts, that can help others be “whole,” be free, if they only submit to the One who died for them, and allow Him to be their Master, allow His Father to be their Father.
Join with me in going forward to our eternal destiny. Pray that we get this problem with the podcast set-up cleared up quickly.
In His love, Yedidah — January 23, 2019