Elul and Tishre are the main months of harvesting the 5 species of fruit. The grape harvest is usually over by the end of Elul and the wine is being made. The olive harvest also begins in Elul, but continues sometimes into Kislev. The pomegranates, and dates, and figs are usually harvested in late Elul, early Tishre.

Elul is a special month set apart for us to inspecting ourselves – inspecting our fruit. Is it bug-eaten or healthy – ready to bring nourishment to others or dried up and useless? This is the time for self-examination, so that we enter into the Fall Festivals with peace, joy, and the fulness of Yahuwah, the Spirit, dwelling within. That’s how we live in the “secret place of the Most High.”

The new moon sighting reports were scanty this time. Several in Tiberias saw the new moon for Elul tonight, two of them being long-time friends of mine who report to Devorah Gordon each month. On her site, Devorah Gordon said she saw Venus, but she didn’t see the new moon over Jerusalem.

I saw a weather bureau chart on a messianic site that shows skies over Jerusalem with good visibility. I then checked with Mark Harris at whenisthenewmoon.com. He lists several names that saw the new moon over Israel tonight. The first name is: Devorah Gordon – who is in Jerusalem. But I didn’t see other names I recognized, perhaps they also saw it in Jerusalem.

If it was seen in Tiberias tonight, it was there – shining in its renewed 1st day place. But, to be absolutely correct is our goal! In ancient times, the word announcing the new moon went forth from Jerusalem.

The Arabs are astute to go by the sighting of the new moon for the 1st of their months, but from their nations, not Jerusalem.

I have peace that tonight begins Elul, so August 10th is Elul 1. Sometimes we just have to go by the peace that Abba gives us. It is the exactness of the new moon sightings over Jerusalem for Tishre that is of top importance, for the festival dates to be set correctly.

7:15 PM CDT: OK LISTEN UP! I got a text-message from Derek. Derek went to Michael Rood’s site. Two people in Jerusalem saw the new moon tonight and reported to him. Derek and I had peace that Elul began tonight – so now we can blow the shofar!!! HalleluYah!!!

Folks, as I said at the end of Podcast CCCCV today, there are some very big plans that have been by the fallen ones, put into action by the evil forces of earth right now – zeroing in on August 11th and the ongoing time period. In other words, the time of Elul. I pass on the urgent unction to you at the conclusion of the podcast.

A quick note: Round out your preparation and do it quick. Depending on where you are, water is of prime importance, and food of course. Things you need to continue on with life – prepare fast! We know we’re set up for annihilation. Abba let me know Scriptures in 1992, and I’ve been teaching and warning people to prepare since then. I’ve written about it many times, but now the plans that have been in the works for decades are coming together quickly. I go into urgent mode at the end of the podcast because we’re in an “any time now” stage.

According to the Book of Jasher (Joshua 10 and I Samuel) It took Moses 5 years to build the Ark. The flood was 6 weeks. It was 1 year and 17 days from the time the door was closed on the ark until they existed the ark on Ararat. Messiah said He would shorten the days or no flesh would be left alive on earth. He’s already been shortening with compacting events, with more shortening to go – during the last few days before Messiah comes with the wrath of Yahuwah.

This article on Paradise, and the podcast – both should really give you peace and expectant joy – especially the podcast in which I amplify what I wrote.

Make Elul extra-special this year. T’shuvah!!!

For your edification: Two articles and a podcast, Mikvah of the Covenant: 1)“The Miracle of Elul: Day of New Beginnings” [“Podcast CXVII: We Welcome Elul! We Welcome T’shuvah”]

2) We Welcome Elul and T’suvah

Refer also to the recent article of August 1st: “It’s Harvest Time! We Will Reap What We Have Sown”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim [“Podcast CCCIV …”]

Blessings, Yedidah

August 9, 2021 7:30 PM


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