Hey ya’all guys – guess what? The renewed moon was actually sighted from Jerusalem tonight on the 29th day … making tonight begin the month of Iyar. Are you counting the omer? It seems like we’ve had one “default” 30-day moon each month for months. But this one is an actual sighting with real people’s eyes. Devorah Gordon took a nice picture of it from her vantage point in Jerusalem.

Devorah wrote: “This was a particularly moving new moon sighting, as it coincided with the eve of Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism). Just as we packed up our gear and started to head back home, we stood for a moment of silence as the siren sounded throughout the country, marking the beginning of Memorial Day. We feel very blessed to be in our homeland and able to sight the new moon from the Holy City of Jerusalem each month. We wish all the families who lost loved ones defending this country much comfort and pray that Yehovah will continue and protect us from our enemies.”


Shalom, Yedidah

April 13, 2021

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