Actually the 13th day from the beginning of Adar Bet, new moon sighted February 25, 2020 from Jerusalem to the eve of March 9th, Purim was all day yesterday. The second day of Purim is today. I just got that straight from my son’s website last night. Oh, well – just a day late, but we have today!

Friday night at the Prayer Center I attend, pastor McQueen taught from the book of Esther about Purim. In our main meeting on Shabbat afternoon, pastor McQueen taught on the book of Esther/Hadassa and Purim. I am so thankful to be able to go to a first-century Natsarim-type congregation of like-minded people. We’re small, but we’re sure united. Two weeks before on Shabbat we had a foot-washing ceremony that united us very closely in the Spirit. The next Shabbat we had communion together, and then pastor McQueen unfolded a very large red canope held by four people to cover us all underneath – like a giant tallit or chupa – and my son prayed the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew. He blows the shofar to begin the meetings and then we have worship. We give testimonies; we pray for healings and breakthroughs. Everything is to edify and strengthen faith.

What amazes me so much is that the gathering of the remnant, as stated in the “Prophecy of Messiah” that I posted recently, and podcasted, is actually happening. People who live by the Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, yet are not religious or opinionated by man’s doctrine, pure of spirit, and fervent in love, are uniting to stand firm in these end days. I feel very blessed! I hope you do too.

So, read the book of Esther/Hadassa and note that there is a Haman in the world system today who is determined to kill all believers in Messiah, especially those who honor the whole Word, guard the teachings and instructions of Yahuwah and Yahushua, manifesting Their nature, ways, and thinking.

If ever we need to be unified as Messiah prayed in John 17, it is now. We must love one another, forgive as a lifestyle, let go of all that blocks our closeness to the Master Yahushua and our Abba Yahuwah, and share the Good News of salvation with as many as possible. Let us be in much prayer, praise, and proclamation!

Blessings, Yedidah

March 11, 2020

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