
“Grace” is now posted under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim #178.0 or under “Recent Articles on the main page of

This is a very precious message from the heart of Elohim (Father and Son) to you. It explains what His “grace” really is outside of religious context. In reality, how can this message change your life? It should.

This article is taken from a message that my son, Derek, gave to the Prayer Center a week ago Shabbat. He said there will be a Part II. But what he taught is enough to really help you understand the fulness of the love of Yahuwah and Yahushua, and why “grace” must not be considered a cheap idea that gives license to continuing sinning or neglecting relationship with Elohim. It is the core of His very being, the expression of His unfailing love. Even in judgment, He remembers grace/mercy. I amplify for clarity some of what Derek said also, giving Scripture.

This is NOT a Christian message, nor is it a Messianic message. It is a message from the heart of both Father and Son so that we understand why Genesis to Revelation is ALL about His graciousness to us.

The real meaning of grace is not religious!!!

His real grace must never be cheapened by the “hypergrace” attitude.

This can be a life-changing message to free you, and help you free others who have wounded your soul and spirit. We need to be free, but first we must free others whom we hold captive in our mind and emotions. We must be free of past things that are holding us prisoner from going forward in victory. We are only free if we hold no prisoners in our heart. Let us take on the nature of Yahuwah, who demonstrates His love through His grace. I know that “grace” is a Christian term,  but I do go into the real meaning of it. The real meaning cannot be conveyed by using one word!

We face so much evil coming down against us, but “be of good cheer,” Messiah said, “I have overcome the world.”

In His love, Yedidah – January 21, 2024

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