Shalom, Happy Hanukkah!

“Go Figure the Exclusivity” is #81.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness, or “Recent Articles on the main page.”

I hope to podcast this by tomorrow. December 14th!!! Are you in prayer about this day? It is the day the Electoral College makes it’s presentation as to who is President and who is not. Will there be a normal working out of this procedure tomorrow or will it bring chaos and confusion as in the Supreme Court in the last couple of days? What tomorrow brings our nation is a big ? mark.

Then we have the 17th, as Pastor Coverstone dreamed. He saw December 17th in his dream. He saw a casket in the Rotunda of the Capital Building with Joe Biden’s relatives around it weeping, then an announcement in the Senate of the dividing of Americans. He said that he was not saying that on December 17th Joe Biden would be in a casket – just reporting the dream. It could relate to the decision of the Electoral College – but, probably not.

So this is a week of ???? question marks. Whatever it brings, it will bring chaos and confusion, even perhaps rioting and murdering.

Texas made a dramatic move by bringing a case against 4 states to do with voter fraud. The Supreme Court threw out the case. But, the boldness of Texas drew in 18 other states to stand with the indictment. Then we heard the speech of the Republic Party Chairman of Texas called for Texas to succeed from the U.S.

Texas has its own electric grid, its own vast supply of oil, huge amounts of farm land, and its own government. Texas has every right to succeed. So much turbulence is going on at once as the Beast system pushes harder to rise.

In the midst of all this, I ask you a lot of questions in this article – with obvious answers. The truly born-again ones are an exclusive family on this earth. We are held together by our love for the Savior who died for us and rose from the dead to insure our eternal life. Man-controlled religion is on the side of the fallen ones, the dark kingdom, trying to divide even further – thus the great apostasy that we’re seeing rise. We are a statistic for either Yahuwah or Satan. No one can fence-sit.

In seeing clearly who is the friend of who hates who, we can see two distinct sides dividing out all mankind. If Satan’s kingdom hates “Jesus” with such evil hatred, or whatever He’s called in earth languages, and makes the fallen ones go violent in our underground military bases, then we need to draw some conclusion as to who this hated-Person really is. What do they hate about Him? Why do they want to destroy His followers, separate them from faith in Him, or kill them? We see many siding with the dark kingdom’s fallen angels and Nephilim and still thinking they’re going to “heaven.” Remember the old phrase: “the friend of my enemy is my enemy.” Carefully go over II Corinthians 6:14-7:1. It’s plain. Go over Matthew 10. It’s plain.

What is happening in many arenas is dividing mankind into two groups. Who is the exclusive group that the “Continuity of Government” document IDs is a “domestic terrorist?”

Blessings, Yedidah

December 13, 2020

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