FAMINE! THE BLACK HORSE GOES FORTH! Worldwide Destruction of Crops and Livestock 2019


“Famine! The Black Horse Goes Forth! – Worldwide Destruction of Crops and Livestock 2019” is posted under the Mikvah of Present Reality, #123.0 and “Recent Articles.”

I’ve written on famine at various times over many years, but this is different. This is early 2019, and historic records have been set in the U.S., and worldwide, since January. All creation is greatly suffering, as Romans 8 talks about.

To the shock of Seismologists, in November of 2018, the entire earth trembled for 20 minutes, recorded on seismographs, but no earthquake was responsible for it. It just trembled. It was as if Yahuwah was trembling, and trembling the earth, knowing what 2019 would unleash upon mankind–upon His children in particular.

I’ve been following end-time prophecy since at least 1962, and recently I’ve been writing some harder than usual articles, because I know more now of what I really happening. It is mind-boggling, since we never thought things would happen this way. It’s a shock to the watchmen. The lid has come off the pit and we’re seeing down into it things we did not know were possible.

All is coming to light, and the light is getting brighter, and we see more clearly what has been hidden. It’s a shocker. I do thorough research every day for truth, as Abba leads me to see what I need to see. It’s all true what I have been reporting, and all confirmed by other’s reporting. Things I said that were radical years ago are now being confirmed as true.

In other words, Satan and his team have been preparing things for centuries, but now they’re all surfacing. Those, like you, who know the Word well, and are  taught only by the Sprit, are being led to learn these things. The dull and apathetic are still in the dark, and won’t know what hit them when it all comes fully open. They won’t be prepared for martyrdom or for anything beyond life as usual. So, there will be a tremendous deceptive spirit go forth, that will, if possible, deceive the very elect, as Messiah warned us in Matthew 24.

Only those with their ear to the chest of Yahuwah and His Messiah will learn who the real betrayers are, and who the “Company of Judas” really is today.

I am reporting. Steven ben Nun is reporting. Adam Green is reporting. Many others are reporting in books, podcasts, YouTube programs, and in conferences. But, for the most part the churches and messianic congregations are not being prepared for anything more than the next meeting.

We must realize that it won’t be long before the fact that: IF we celebrate Torah and believe in Messiah, and can’t prove we’re Jewish by our mother’s lineage, we will go before the Sanhedrin/Kabbalists, Talmudists, for beheading – for breaking the Babylonian Talmudic Noahide Laws. It’s all in the Word, but we couldn’t tie it down as to what was totally being said until now. That is because our Abba is giving His children a short period of time to prepare and to prepare others. Prepare your children to be martyrs if they to be. Mark 13:9-13 is very sobering – children will turn in their parents for death. The children and youth must be taught what it means to be loyal to Messiah no matter what the cost.

Steven ben Nun made a humorous statement a couple of days ago in another of his YouTube presentations about the Noahide Laws: “People are beginning to think this is Noahide News Live.” (His program is Israeli News Live.) Adam Green has a couple of good YouTube videos out on this too. Green also reported on Trump’s appointment of Elan Carr as the czar/envoy/ambassador of the new U.S. Anti-Semitism Bill enforcers.

Come on folks, April 16, 2019, President Trump, surrounded by 10 Chabad Hasidic rabbis of the Lubavich, the Noahide Laws, the Holy Serpent Leviathan messiah, along with all 50 U.S. Governors in their states and rabbis, announcing that we need to honor Rabbi Shneerson’s birthday on April 18th for “Education and Sharing Day.” Read my articles of April 18th and 21st under Recent Articles!

A few days ago, I listened to a speech by the late Rabbi Schneerson stating that the Jews were the superior race, and that all others, “gentiles,” were beasts to serve the Jewish people–quoting right out of the Babylonian Talmud. I have quotes by leading Hasidic rabbis today that even sicken me.

And honoring his birthday is Law in America, Russia, China, and all nations!!! Now we have a czar/envoy/ambassador, Elan Carr, to support the new anti-Semitism Bill. It’s all about silencing anyone who speaks against the Noahide Laws.

This is the great deception that will deceive, if possible, even the elect. We’ve been programmed to thinking things that are not true, the truth being hidden from us. Now we see the truth rising like Leviathan out of the sea – Revelation 13.

Who is this Kabbalist Beast who rises out of the sea? You might say “antichrist” or anti-messiah.” You’re right. But who worships this “Holy Serpent” under the name Leviathan? Answer: Hasidic Kabbalists call Leviathan their messiah who will bring all the Jewish elite to world power?

You might: But Jewish rabbis honor the Torah and believe in Yahweh. That is secondary. In Rabbinic Judaism, the Talmud takes precedent over the Torah. The Talmud is the Oral Law given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, they say. It is above the written Law.

If you read those articles listed in the last article, and refer to the research material I suggest, you’ll get a fuller picture. Kabbalists – Talmudists give homage to many gods and goddesses, Ein Sof being their main one – an unknowable force. But, their messiah is Leviathan, or the Ouroboros. Refer to my article “Leviathan and the Ouroboros.”

Rabbinic Jews acknowledge Yahweh as a lesser being, since in 133 CE Rabbi Akivah demoted Him to a place below the rabbis, and exalted the word of the rabbis above His. Refer to: “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome.” Rabbinic Judaism puts the rabbis in the seat of power over the people!

To understand why Messiah called their spiritual and natural ancestors “the seed of vipers” and “…of your father the devil, refer to: “The Seed of the Viper in the Pharisees and the Seed of the Woman in the Natsarim,”/54.0 under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance.

Through the centuries, Rabbinic Judaism adopted the Kabbalah, and began focusing on the Babylonian Talmud. Hasidic Jews spend hours a day studying the Talmud, not the Torah.  Hard to believe that they have relegated Yahweh to the Beast Behemoth, and elevated Ein Sof and Leviathan to the highest levels.

Of course, thank Abba, this is not all Jews – definitely not all Jews, or even all Orthodox Jews! However, most Orthodox, and realistically all Hasidic Jews, are Talmudic and Kabbalists. All 70 on the Sanhedrin Council are Kabbalits, and working for the new world order.

Hard to take! But, Truth must come out to “inspire” His lazy people to wake up ad spread the good news of salvation through Messiah Yahushua/Yeshua, or Jesus, why we have the chance.

I had to work hard to hold back the tears while writing this article on Famine. It’s all been planned out to destroy the human race. It is a global disaster – and people are hurting world over.

Pray, pray, pray … weep and pray, travail, speak in tongues, proclaim the Word, for we have little time left to get it all together for our life’s sake.

In his love, in His shalom, in His joy,


April 24, 2019

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Famine! The Black Horse  Goes Forth! Worldwide Destruction of Crops and Livestock 2019
Famine! The Black Horse Goes Forth! Worldwide Destruction of Crops and Livestock 2019
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