
“Extremism” is #83.0 Under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness.

This is extremely not political. It builds on what the FBI is trying to do to make sure none of the thousands of National Guard troops activated for tomorrow are dangerous to the inauguration. Their purge is valid, but their methodology is questionable – asking each of the National Guard who they voted for. 90%, they concluded, voted for Trump. The FBI is doing the right thing in investigating the situation. A major false flag is predicted for tomorrow that may bring serious repercussions on the nation. We pray that be foiled. Pray for the safety of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Pray that Abba’s will be done exclusively.  My purpose in writing this is to bring peace to His people.

Anyway, this article is not focused on Trump or Biden, the FBI, the National Guard, or anything other than to expose what real extremism really is, and how Satan has counterfeit to the max to create the chaos that has been building in America for at least over a year. It actually began a long time ago.

I am amazed at what I wrote because it just flowed out of my spirit, and I felt Yahuwah’s Presence while writing it. So, I sure did not write to be “controversial” – unless, however, you are associated with Satan and his army-followers, then it would really be a problem to you. It is also not religious, nor limited to tomorrow in Washington D.C.  It is a call to the righteous to understand who we are.

Are we righteous? Messiah died to make us so. The Spirit was given to make us so. Therefore, we have “imputed righteousness,” as well as righteousness that we build by our obedience to our Master. I see that Sidney Powell has unearthed proof of Trump’s win of the election, which was by a “landslide.” We are not deceived. But, what becomes of the truth is left in the care of Yahuwah.

In His love, Yedidah

January 19, 2021

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