ETERNALLY FORGOTTEN – The Eternal Loss of Earthly Memories

Shalom! Blessings!

“Eternally Forgotten – The Eternal Loss of Earthly Memories” is #67.0 under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure.

Truly, with eternity as our goal, we live in a great adventure. This article is 3½ pages of encouragement and comfort.

We all live with tormenting thoughts – about things we’ve done, or someone has done to us, fears, anger, bitterness, hate, desire for revenge. Our mind can be our worst enemy at times, though, if it is placed under the control of Yahuwah’s Spirit it can be united to the eternal spirit and we can live in a set-apartness we’ve never known, a place of peace we’ve never known.

But, one thing’s for sure, once we pass from this earth into eternity, after the 1,000-year reign of Messiah on planet Earth in His Kingdom, Revelation 21:1-7 will kick in, and we won’t remember any of the pain of this world anymore.

This will give you something to focus on that is far above what is going on in this realm – so that you take heart, keep going, and look up for your redemption draws near.

In His love, Yedidah

December 3, 2020

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ETERNALLY FORGOTTEN - The Eternal Loss of Earthly Memories
ETERNALLY FORGOTTEN - The Eternal Loss of Earthly Memories
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