
“Erasing the Rainbow” is #55.0 under the Mikvah of the Covenant. Wow is this information fascinating. Not too many people know this reality. It is not public news! Yes, it is happening – the erasing of the rainbow, now just spiritually speaking but physically. WHY??? You’ll be surprised. The rainbow is a lot more than Sunday School has taught us!!! It is not just a beautiful sight or even a no-more-flood covenant sign. The rainbow is a scientific reality that, if removed, will cause great damage to the earth and all life forms on it. Dimming the sunlight is also happening to even a greater extent than what chemtrails have been doing. WHY dim the sunlight?

I also include four lovely pictures, the last one being a rainbow over the Sea of Galilee/Lake Kinneret. The information in this article will help you realize even more the greatness of our Father’s mind – and how the enemy can only counterfeit it, or work at destroying it.

Now, as part of the “science” of Transhumanism, is the messing with the human brain to replace it, as well as the inner organs, with robotics – completely eliminating the DNA of human beings so that there is no more spirit for The Spirit to dwell in. This is why men would seek death and not find it, as in Revelation 9 – you can’t “kill” the technology that removes humanity.

What is happening because the rainbow is being taken from us by weather manipulation, and light frequency/color frequency, blocking?

What three colors of the rainbow are the “God colors?”

We know that Yahuwah has an emerald rainbow over His throne, but green is not one of the 3 rainbow colors related to Yahuwah.

Some of the statements I quote in this article are chilling, in the sense of radiating the greatness of Elohim. This article should bless you greatly, and at the same time give you awareness as to what men like Bill Gates and friends are really after. Yes, population reduction – the 7.9 billion on earth, down to 500,000,000. Crops are being destroyed to bring famine. Diseases sprayed bring death. Science in a needle brings death and DNA change. War is pending. The 4 riders are riding.

How are you preparing?

Shalom, love, Yedidah

April 7, 2021



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