Shabbat Shalom!
“Ebedmelek” is #78.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness and Separation.
In the midst of unpacking and taking care of the multitude of business required to satisfy the world system in a move, Abba led me to a passage in Jeremiah about Ebedmelek. What does the action of this Ethiopian man so long ago – a eunuch, a servant of King Zedakah, at the time when Nebuchadnezzar attacked Jerusalem in 586 BCE – have anything to do with us in 2020 CE? It is amazing how much it relates to us! The situations are similar. One particular mighty nation sits on America’s border, and within, waiting to attack, along with other nations. The world is under attack from the rising Nephilim of old, fallen angels, and alien hybrids.
So, dear ones, I have taken time from unpacking boxes and tubs this Shabbat evening to share the message with you.
My new mailing address for offerings and gifts: Make out all to Charlotte Townsend, and send to P.O. Box 3244, Cleburne, Texas, 76033. The Pay Pal option remains the same – use the “Contact” tab on the main page to access it.
Blessings, Yedidah
October 16, 2020