
“Don’t Waste Your Pain” is #129.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim or under “Recent Articles on the main page.”

This article was inspired by a letter from a subscriber-friend I’ve known for a long time via e-mails, and letters with regular offerings. She quotes from a book she is reading. The wisdom is just what we need to hear! So many of us are suffering in many ways. We are human and that’s our lot in this world – a world that is foreign to the born-again. Our heart is in the Kingdom of our Abba and our Savor. We are citizens of that Kingdom, and long for our Savior-Redeemer-King to return to us.

Yes, I repeat a couple of stories. I know, I’ve repeated several stories of my testimony over the years, but new subscribers come along all the time that need to hear from me about my experiences so that they can identify with what I am teaching. I usually add something each time, however (smile).

Yet, we still have many things in common as humans with all purely human beings who live under the oppression of sin, of fallen angels, of Nephilim/demons and carnal/in-the-flesh life in an imperfect environment. Is it just a matter of enduring these things from birth to death and then we go to heaven? We know that our Abba does not will that we suffer. But choices were made for us by two others a long time ago that left a sin-plague in our DNA, and we, like they, gravitate towards rebellion against our Creators.

How can we turn the effects of a fallen world into a blessing, onto steps that lead up and over all that the enemy can do? How should we view the pain and suffering that is normal for all humans in the mind, emotions, and body?

I think this article will lift your spirit and show you a whole new way of looking at what is common among us which so often drags us down into a mind and emotional state that only makes things worse, causing our faith to cry out “why.”

If we must overcome all and endure to the end, as Messiah said we must, then how do we do it and rise above it so that we go forward and not down into the pit?

Learn and be encouraged. I got understanding and answers through being totally carnal and hostile towards suffering most all of my life. The testimony that my friend relates from a man who wrote a book she is reading, will answer a lot of questions for some of you.

In His love, Yedidah – Shabbat Shalom tonight-tomorrow!

January 29, 2021

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