
“Do You Understand the Lateness of the Hour?” is under the Mikvah of Preparation #83.0

The title is in quotes because it is the quote given to introduce all of Steve Quayle’s personal broadcasts – an expression he’s used for many years. I use it because hardly anyone understands the lateness of the hour – or as Quayle says “the madness of the minute.” I believe you understand!

I give you quotes that are coming out of all the watchmen … typical quotes, even one from Tucker Carlson. Honest reporters of truth are shocked at all happening at once. This is the terminology they’re using “It’s all happening at once.” “It’s all coming down at once.” “It’s happening so fast.”

This is why our lives have to be so aligned to the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah so that we don’t miss anything and so miss out on the Kingdom, like the “foolish virgins” of Matthew 25:1-12. They were “virgins,” a term used of purified ones, born again ones. Sha’ul said to one assembly that they were “virgins” espoused to Messiah – engaged to Messiah. Yet, these virgins got so caught up in the world that they let their light go out. The same admonition is given by Yahushua Himself in Revelation 2, to the assembly of Ephesus. He warned them not to let their light go out, but to keep it burning bright. Faith, praise, proclamation of the Word for His purposes, all keep the light burning. Proclamation of our testimony of our salvation by the blood of the Lamb is a major way to keep the light burning. (Revelation 12:11)

Bottom line of the last article, yes, proclaim the Word, yes, declare that His power is greater than all, proclaim His supremacy as Shaddai and El Yon – the Almighty, the Most High. Build your faith by raising both arms straight up into the air and proclaiming Psalms of His greatness, and of the greatness of the Saviour. He will hear that!

Just make sure that in all that you pray in supplication (requests) that in your proclaiming, you are backed 100% by Yahuwah, the Spirit. He is the one who anoints us to pray prayers that reach Him and are accepted by Him.

Make sure what you say is because He is saying it through your mouth!

Fear, pride, greed, carnal desires – no – that has no place in approaching the Most High. Humility, contriteness, submission, obedience – this is what gets His attention, not words that are flowing out of the soul (mind, emotions, human will) and by pass the spirit within (belly area) which makes us eternal humans.

Spiritual warfare comes out of the mouth of those who know Yahuwah and Yahushua, and whom They know personally. It can’t be from any emotions of the flesh of any type. “He is Spirit, and they that worship Him worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4). “He is the Spirit…” (II Corinthians 3:17-18). We must approach Him with a re-born spirit. Best of all is to allow His Spirit to dwell in us, so that we have Him over the ark of His Presence in our very belly area (John 7:37-39, I Corinthians 6:19-20).

We must guard Hs Presence with high esteem, and righteous fear. If you know “the lateness of the hour,” and the “madness of the minute,” you are preparing.

Some of you have lost jobs because of this evil going forth to stop believers from working, stop conservatives, stop anyone who cares about their health. It is pure evil. Yet, those being brought into the nation from the southern border, and by plane, are given free housing and food, and will take the jobs of the American citizens, else the military will take them.

The great takedown of the last super power on earth is in full swing. We were chosen in the 1600s or before to bring back Nimrod to power over the world, and we’re doing it. It’s a job accomplished, just waiting time for the “resisters” to be taken out so that all non-resisters will worship him. He’s been with us since 2003 when his body was exhumed from Iraq. The world is being prepared – all obstacles to his rule are being removed. America will be totally removed.

All of my articles and podcasts are directed to the truly born again who are Spirit-filled and under the power of His authority. I don’t write to the “lazy fools” of Matthew 25:1-12, (Hebrew Matthew wording). I write to the wise, to those who will face whatever they have to and come out victorious.

In His love, Yedidah

October 13, 2021

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