
“Dismantling a Highly Dangerous Collage” is #216.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

This is a STUDY! It is for serious lovers of truth! It is for those who have questions about Christian doctrine that uses a few Scriptures out of context to make big promises to believers, but is a big lie. For those who “study to show yourself approved unto Yahuwah, a workman who needs not to be ashamed,” or who are ignorant of these things, this is for you. I have studied these things for about 60 years, and Abba has brought me from believing and teaching the deception, which is the norm in Fundamental Christianity, to knowing the truth of the entire Word on the subject. The Spirit is my Teacher, the only valid Teacher of truth for a born -again believer. He sends us confirmation in various ways.

Because the Beast system is rising, and many things are happening now that signal tribulation, many big-name Bible teachers, heads of big churches and online ministries, are coming out boldly with proclamations based on old-time deceitful doctrines that are highly, highly dangerous to you and to all believers in Jesus/Yeshua/Yahushua.

Watch and observe what fear drives people to believe! Yahuwah’s Spirit only puts one fear into us – fear of losing Him and our salvation in His Son.

His Word tells us not to fear what man can do, only what He can do if we don’t side with Him. Matthew 10 is a good chapter to know well.

This information I share in this article is compact. I go through Tom Horn’s and Terry James’ recent book on “Antichrist…”, which teaches the chronology of Dispensationalism and a pre-7-year rapture of all the church into heaven, so we miss all the “pressure” needed, as Messiah says in Matthew 13.

The Latin word “tribulation comes from the Latin word “tribulum,” a farm instrument that puts pressure on wheat or barley, grain, to remove the chaff chasing from it so that it is usable for food. Without the pressure, the grain would be worthless to us. The threshing of the “tribulum” is meant by Yahuwah for separation of the true and good from what is useless and disposable. Yahuwah promises to take us through to victory, if we let Him. It is not something to avoid but to embrace, and overcome unto victory.

This is a companion study to “Warning! Exposing Nine Lies…” Mikvah of Present Reality. It exposes the source of this doctrine, which is uh – evil. I can’t think of a better word than “evil.” It appeals to the weak, the lazy, the apathetic, the self-centered, ones who run from reality, who live in fear and anxiety, or those who have an agenda to promote themselves in this world. But it is not reality.

I am about 98% thorough in exposing this – I’m sure I forgot something, but I give you much resource material to check out to confirm what I say here, and of course, lots of Scripture. I’ve written on this subject for years, but now that all hell is starting to hit the fan, teachers of this doctrine are getting very bold in their statements – bold to the damnation of possibly millions of people.

They are saying things like take the vaccine, it can’t be the DNA-changing “mark” since we’re not raptured out yet. They’re saying, we have 10-12 years before we’re hit by an asteroid big enough for Revelation 8. Our nation can’t fall – we’re not near World War III – we’re not raptured.

As they start panicking when seeing things compact and happen at the same time that are not supposed to happen until after the rapture of all Christians, the lies will get bigger. Anger will rise, bitterness, unbelief, hate, and mental chaos

The doctrine leaves out Messianic folk in the rapture too – only Christians, the “bride of Christ,” get to escape.

I really hope you review what I wrote in Warning! Exposing Nine Lies…” giving quotes from Jesuits and men like Darby who actually invented this doctrine for the purpose undermining the faith of America Christians so they would not prepare for reality.

I review Tom Horn’s and Terry James’ book, and give quotes. I am not condemning them as people, for they are born again. I believe they are righteous men. I do not believe they are out to deceive anyone. It’s just that they are parroting what the were raised with and now giving people very dangerous advice, as are many pastors who are telling their congregation to take the vaccine.

Yea, it is a DNA-changing vaccine, with aborted baby cells in it, toxins, and little nano-machines that hook a person up with A.I. via 5-G. That information is being confirmed over and over by doctors and nurses now. One nurse died a couple of weeks after taking it. It is killing many in Africa. So, for pastors of huge congregations of thousands tell their people to take it – they are committing murder for some – especially children and the elderly.

Please study with this article a little at a time. Don’t skim. Don’t just read without studying. Look up the Scriptures. Go to pray about it if need be, and hear what Abba says to you as you righteously go through the Word with Him. As I wrote this, Abba reminded me of Scripture that refuted the doctrine, so it is complete, for now.

In His love, Yedidah

December 30, 2020





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