Die Mikvah van Ewige Verlossing van Sonde


Mandi in South Africa, amidst all the troubles going on there, has translated into Afrikaans a very important article for salvation. Please share it with all you know who speak and read Afrikaans. Send it to those you know in South Africa and/or Namibia. I got an e-mail from a lady in Namibia who was reading Mandi’s translations and grateful for them.

There are those in the U.S., and in other countries, who speak Afrikaans. Please help me reach the lost with articles like this one, in English and its translation.

If you can translate “The True New Birth” into Spanish, or this article into Spanish, let me know. We must be about our Abba’s business.

The title is: Die Mikvah van Ewige Verlossing van Sonde [“The Mikvah of Eternal Salvation”] The description is: Die Plan vir Verlossing, insluitend ‘n persoonlike getuienis

It is #1.1 under the Mikvah of Eternal Salvation. I wrote it in Wales, while my son was creating my website. Thus it is dated November 29, 2011.

Mandi has translated many articles into Afrikaans. Help her reach more people with the Truth of salvation, the baptism into the Spirit, and walking in the Spirit as a lifestyle. For every person you help along their journey to everlasting life, you will be rewarded in the heavenly Kingdom.



January 29, 2019

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