Derek’s Teaching at the Prayer Center on “Maintain A Balanced Scale”


“Derek Teaching at the Prayer Center `Maintaining a Balanced Scale” is #197.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, or “Recent Articles” on the main page of

This is a powerful message that clearly explains how Yahuwah wants our lives to balance the scales with His Truth. Derek uses a simple little symbolic old-fashioned weigh-scale to demonstrate the teaching that is in much of the Bible.

If we take on Abba’s thinking, His ways, His justice, His righteousness, His nature, the scales of righteous balance – we become balanced with Him. Thus we are balanced as a human being, and our life takes on His life – love, joy, peace and all the attributes of who He is. We are balanced with others – even thought they might treat us in carnal ways of sinful man – still if we are right with Yahuwah, we are blameless before Him.

People often think of being blameless as “perfection” by man’s standards. No, nothing is by man’s standards if we are balanced by His standards, thus we cheat no one, nor do we cheat ourself.

The link to the actual meeting is under Derek’s picture. In the picture, you can see the weigh measure. The notes are mine. I took these notes, which include the Scriptures he used, so that you could follow along and by yourself later, study the Scriptures for yourself. Let us get into the deep things of Yahuwah and learn how balanced He is.

In the love of Elohim (Father and Son), Yedidah July 9, 2024 Av 2

Derek Teaching at the Prayer Center on "Maintain A Balanced Scale"
Derek Teaching at the Prayer Center on "Maintain A Balanced Scale"
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