“Depression, Oppression, Hopelessness – Psychological Mind Programming and Control” is #116.0 is under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.
The effects of the working of the Nephilim and their plans to bring forth the son of Satan, the Beast, and his world government, is wearing down the people of earth. We know that these things are wearing down the set-apart ones as prophesied in Daniel 7.
Yes, we feel the heaviness. It is coming from the intensifying activity of the dark kingdom on our earth. We must be very careful not to let our mind rule our actions that are contrary to the nature of Yahuwah! In affluent America, people feel free to think anyway they want to. The “few” of Yahuwah’s family know that we must not allow ourselves to feel or think anyway we want to. If we do not think, feel and act in His nature, ways, and thinking, we are at odds with our Father. He cannot help us. If we go off in ways against His ways, it will only kick back onto us and harm us. I address some of this in this article.
Please read slowly, look up the scriptures pray and let the Spirit show you what you must allow Him to change in you so that you are not at odds with your Father and thus are taken over by the attacks of depression, oppression, and hopelessness, when He wants you full of peace and joy.
In His love, Yedidah
September 6, 2020