Deep State! What Is It?


“Deep State! What Is It?” is #359.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality or “Recent Articles” on the main page of

This brief article contains very important information that will let you see the horrible lies that we’ve been told here in America – thinking we had the right to vote for our favorite candidates of our particular “party.” We’ve had the right to vote, but our vote has not been considered for several decades. There is a silent, hidden group, who control all, while we’ve been left in ignorance. I don’t think this is exclusive of America. The world government has been planned a long time, and we have no say in it. We’re expected to go along with it as sheep to the slaughter.

Who had the say in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump? Our Secret Service or our CIA? Neither … We’ve were “taken over” a long time ago, and it is just now beginning to fully manifest so loudly and clearly for all to see, if we want to see. This article will expose what has been hidden.

This article will refer you back to two previous articles about the takeover of earth by Lucifer and his gang of fallen angels. Yes, we are “IN the days of Noah.”

Yet, we are not helpless! Our Commander in Chief is the Most High, the Almighty, the Most Powerful of all, and His Fatherly nature towards His obedient loving children is most kind and supportive. We just have to make sure we know Him as He is, outside of religion, and align to Him totally – obedient to Him totally.

Lots of information here you need to know – but also we all need to have extreme wisdom as to how to apply the knowledge He gives us.

In His love, Yedidah – August 1, 2024

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