Shalom, greetings:

“Deceit and Lies” is now posted under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim #195.0.

This is a thorough article on the warning of Messiah that we not be deceived. Deception is not a “lie.” Deception is a mixture of truth and lies, so that what appears good is deceiving, hiding the lie.

Knowing the heart of Father and Son, Their nature, ways, and thinking, and knowing the Word of Father and Son on a personal level with Them will help clarify what is true and what is false, and the mixture, which is deception. It will keep you free of the teachings of the false prophets and prophetesses that are so abundant today. People actually are looking for deception – seeking what sounds good to their carnal western-world mind and emotions. There are plenty of deceivers out there wanting to attract your belief and your money.

Beware! It is estimated that upwards of 97%-98% of American Christians now choose false doctrine because it sounds good, promises lots of blessings, and relieves them of any responsibility to obey the Bible and the God of the Bible. It’s a quick fix out of hell, so they think. Oh how deceived they are!

I give you lots to think about. Beware, Lucifer, and the fallen angels are into our dimension by the millions, ruling nations, guiding the way of the world to worship the “bestial” anti-messiah. To be deceived about the return of Jesus/Yeshua/Yahushua is a huge mistake. You do not have to be deceived. It’s your choice who you want to believe – the slick-talking false prophets and prophetesses, or the Word of the Most High, Almighty, God. Your eternal destiny depends on who you believe. Yahuwah’s Spirit must be our Teacher if we want absolute Truth.

In His love, Yedidah – June 27, 2024


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