“Crematories and Body Bags Can’t Keep Up With Demands to Dispose of the Dead” is #171.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
This is actually an introduction to the very numbing and disturbing article I will be posting this evening, entitled “Alert America!…” I’m breaking silence I’ve kept for at least 20 years.
Today is a significant time-marker for me from my days in China in 1994. I tell about it in the next article. What was then, is now.
You figure it: “Official” Chinese stats from a couple of days ago say 800 have died in China so far. I believe the stats were raised to 1,200 yesterday. Yet, 400 million have been quarantined under lockdown in about 22 cities, including Beijing and Shanghai.
Last reported there were 7-12 cases of infection from coronavirus in America. February 10th, we learned that 16 American military bases with thousands of hospital beds have been set-apart for quarantining infected people. Now go figure that one! Do they really think we’re that stupid, or that dull, or that busy, or that we don’t care? Evidently people in general in America are getting tired of the lies, so are missing the truth!
Other viruses are breaking out in Germany, in Brazil, and also in China. Is there a global agenda? Oh yes!
Read this 4-page article and prepare for the 4-page article to be posted tonight.
In the next one I share with you something I’ve kept an eye on and personally researched for about 20 years. It’s something you must know. I’ve not talked about it all these years. But, because things are moving so fast, you should know about it. Please pray for the over 200,000,000 born again believers in China! As you read in the letter from the Chinese Pastor under quarantine in Wuhan, or listened to the podcast, you learned that the believers are only getting stronger and more fearless in their witness about the Savior.
In His shalom, Yedidah
February 12, 2020