Shalom! Greetings!

“Corrupted Authority – Hidden Witchcraft” is #90.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness.

Abba used a simple example not long ago to uncover some things that had to be brought to light for us all. Innocently, some of His people are being caught up in witchcraft without realizing it, simply by not knowing the Word of Yahuwah in its fulness, taught by the Spirit, and not knowing Yahuwah or Yahushua personally to understand Their nature, ways, and thinking. The enemy is subtle, not out in the open and frontal – not yet. So, to prepare for when he is out in the open and frontal, we must notice his sly ways of taking over while we go about our business of focusing on self. In focusing on self, the Spirit has no way to warn us from within. His gift of the “discerning of spirits” is not in operation. Thus, the article I wrote about the snake in the dining room – the enemy does slighter in right within a few inches of our head, and we don’t even know until we turn on the light in the dining room.

Religion began with Nimrod after the flood. Today his lineage is ruling earth, and his actual body lies underground Colorado waiting to be inhabited by the Revelation 9:11 Apollyon. Nimrod – also known as Osiris, Apollo, Apollyon/Abaddon. The Vatican is building a one world religion complex in Abu Daube … for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Prophecy marches on.

Witchcraft and Satanism are the fastest growing religions in America, and worldwide. How subtly Satan works to ensnare the undisciplined and lazy, the apathetic, and the ignorant – wilful or not. This is a subtle take over of culture and thinking – in even the nicest people – sneaking in and hiding under what is available to us in the Word – corrupting it.

At some point, most all of us have fallen into the same trap the Nachash set for Adam and Eve. There is a way of escape, but it demands rightfully our giving up our own will for the will of Yahuwah.

I hope this opens up understanding and sets many of you free from being enslaved perhaps in something that looks to be so Scriptural and right.

We must proclaim His Word, declare it, pray it, and live it. But, not under our own manipulation of it. In my recent article about words being implanted into our minds – wow is that a current reality that is taking over most of the people of the world! That article is entitled: “The Most Serious Warning of All”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

I know it’s hard to keep afloat on this sinking ship we’re on, but we keep in praise, prayer, and righteous proclamations to Him for His will to be done, for Him to be esteemed, for His Word to control our thoughts. Then we can walk on water, and not sink with the ship.

In His love, Yedidah

October 12, 2021

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