SHALOM! New Moon – when to look? CORRECTION of the previous letter

     In Correction: Look for the new moon August 9th … I will let you know when I get word that it is sighted from Jerusalem by two or more witnesses.

BLESSINGS TO YOU! Beside all over the U.S., some of you are in South Africa, and countries of East Africa, in Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, countries of Europe, the Middle East, Panama, and other places in Central or South America, some of you are in Israel, and some of you are in Islamic countries of the Middle East. I sure do appreciate each and every one of you! I appreciate your prayers, and the love shown in e-mails! I appreciate the financial gifts that help me keep my bills paid to date, too.

Abba has truly blessed me through His helpers, as in Psalm 118:6-7, which says: “Yahuwah is on my side. I do not fear what man does to me! Yahuwah is with me among those helping me! Therefore, I look on those hating me. It is better to take refuge in Yahuwah than to trust in man.”

As you reach out to obey Him, He will meet your needs and bless you! It’s just a principle of relationship. As we trust Him, and obey Him, He takes care of our needs!

The new moon/new month will be “Elul.” Time of T’shuvah! Oh how important it is that we use Elul to prepare for the Fall Festivals of Tishre! Let us press in to what He is leading us to do, let us be quick to obey. This may be the last set of Fall Festivals we will have in this world, as we know it today. Things are changing by the day – I am warning, pleading, exhorting, challenging, in this podcast and in everything I write and speak now. The walls of time are closing in on us.

Rejoice that we have this Elul to prepare.

In His love, Yedidah

August 4, 2021

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