“Coronavirus: Quarantine in America” is #170.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
Please listen to “Podcast CLXII: Historic January 2020: Unleashing the Beginning of Great Tribulation.” It exposes so many lies that were told, just from January 1st through the 31st. Lies continue, but January had a concentration of them. I also discuss why we have seen a buildup of tribulation in the last 4 years, but also its recent buildup to great tribulation of the last days.
Abba began concentrating my understanding of His timing since 2007 especially, but also going back to the late 1980s. What Abba has taught me is now being spoken by other watchmen. There is a feeling inside the spirit of His people of the increase in evil. There is also an excitement building that is overriding fear!
In the introduction to this article, I also share my heart. I have no intension to stir up fear. Abba cannot even talk to the fearful. I write to the unshakeable remnant that is sound in faith, and moving forward in the Master’s will.
How close are we getting to nations, other than China, declaring nation-wide quarantines? Why are so few in America preparing for inevitable “home-sheltering” under any reason? Why the apathy? Is it because of the lying public news? Or is it because thing just seem to blow over and nothing happens? Tragically, that’s not the case for about anything anymore.
MY COMPUTER … oh yes: I had mentioned my difficulty with my old computer breaking down. One precious lady sent me money for a new computer. She lives about 50 minutes drive from me, and has come to the Prayer Center which I attend. She’s come to my house twice now, and wow – what a delightful young lady! My old Windows 2007 is not even supported by Windows corporation anymore.
Last night my son took me to Best Buy and helped me get a new computer and the needed accessories. What the precious young lady gave me was a little over 1/3 of the total price. So, I’m throwing it out to you, that if you want to help offset my credit card charge, below are the two ways to donate.
I thank those of you who are sharing the articles and podcasts with others in several different countries. I appreciate your prayers, financial help, and witness to others of the Master’s salvation and soon return.
In His love, Yedidah
February 5, 2020
For sending offerings/love gifts or tithe:
1) Address for 2019: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162
PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS so that I can thank you, and also get to know you, hear your prayer requests, and encourage you in your walk of faith!
2) Or use the Pay Pal option under “Contact” on main page upper right hand corner.
Note: My son, Derek Townsend, manages my website and my Pay Pal account, so you’ll see his name when you go to send via Pay Pal, but all offerings come to me!