Coronavirus Fear Brings Panic Across the U.S.

Shalom, blessings!

“Coronairus Fears Bring Panic Across the U.S.” is #177.0 under the Mikvah of Present reality.

I had this ready to post on March 3rd and forgot to post it. But, now it’s up to date more, so all is well.

Heading the article is a map of today’s statistics of coronavirus infections and deaths in America – rather surprising actually. It’s way up from March 3rd.

I also include some pictures of panic shopping from a Daily Mail article

Don’t be apathetic, the stores are running out of many things people need for self-quarantine, or “citizen containment,” which was planned long ago. Self-quarantine is already happening by fearful people, but “citizen quarantine” refers to a mandate by the government – state or federal. Right now, as the map shows Washington State has the most cases of the virus.

What is worse than the virus is what is planned for the infected once things gets chaotic. Prepare spiritually. But, also, be wise. Stay well by high doses of Vitamin C and colloidal silver (a tablespoon twice a day). You can buy your own unit and make it yourself with distilled water and 3 9-volt batteries. Take Vitamin D also to boost your immune system. Prepare with enough food and good water for at least 2 weeks. Better to prepare for 2 months or more just in case you can’t leave your house.

Yesterday Israel announced that on Thursday morning, March 12th, they will close their borders. Anyone who wants into Israel will have to prove they have enough money and a place to go to for two weeks, or they’ll be turned back at the border.

These things should draw us closer to our Abba and Messiah, so that we seek Their Presence more, pray more, sing more, and proclaim Words of victory more.

No need to waste our time panicking – our Yahuwah and Yahushua are with us in our re-born spirit and speak to us through Their Word, and to us personally in our re-born spirit. We have a portal into the eternal realm behind our naval. The mind submitted and obedient to the Spirit of Yahuwah always maintains peace as we read in Isaiah 26. He will keep us in “perfect peace” if our mind is stayed on Him, dwelling with Him. HalleluYah! Let’s use this time to become bold in faith!

Love, Yedidah

March 10, 2020

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