“Consider This! If You’re Already Dead No One Can Take Your Life From You” is #4 under the Mikvah of Baptism. The richness of the Word that lifts us into the Presence of Yahuwah so that we dwell with Him and abide in Messiah is far removed from the modern religions of Christianity in all its forms, and the Messianic/Hebrew Roots Movement. Whatever man controls steals from the purity and completeness of what Yahuwah controls! If we try to control our own life we pollute the purity of life in the Master, we separate ourselves from Yahuwah’s Spirit who alone has the right to teach His own Word. Yahushua is the Living Word, to know Him is life eternal.
This article gives you much to consider. As we now move into dangerous “uncharted waters” in our nation, whatever nation you’re in, more and more the freedom of being “dead to self” is imperative for mental and emotional peace.
Humorous but true: I get such funny illustrations at times – but they’re so “down to earth” and profound – which come into my spirit. I share a recent one with you. I am so amazed at the disconnect of most believers from reality. So few “connect dots” and end up with any wisdom. The simplest things in the Word are so complex to most. I understand western culture, a totally pagan and debauched culture, which has divorced us from the culture of the Word and controlled religion for near 2,000 years via Greece and Rome.
A couple of days ago, I clearly envisioned a long line of cars behind a sign at the entrance to a bridge across a huge river. There were those who read the sign – “DANGER! BRIDGE OUT” – with different reactions. Most read the sign and immediately made a U-Turn to go back the way they’d come. But, some – Christians or Messianic mostly – read it. They pulled out their cell phones and took a picture of the sign. Then they proceeded on until they fell into the river and sank. Their reasoning in taking the picture was so that when they fell into the river, they could look at the picture of the sign warning them not to proceed and study it. You’re probably either going “what – that’s stupid,” or laughing at the reality of it.
I thought of this because for at least four decades, from the 1980s, and in some ways, back to the 1960s, warnings have gone out to prepare for what is coming – no matter what it is – from storms to power outages to lockdowns to famine. The watchmen of Yahuwah have been very verbal, but the churches and congregations have ignored the warnings for the most part. People have ignored the warnings and proceeded on as if nothing was ever going to change or anything bad happen.
I’ve had people tell me that they download and print out my articles, some put them in nice notebooks. That’s nice. But then they say they do so because “when we can’t go out of our homes anymore and tribulation hits, we’ll have time to read them.” Yip! That is an attitude that is Not relegated to a few. They get the warnings, “Danger – Bridge Out” print out the warning, put it in a notebook because they’re too busy to read it, so that when they fall into the raging river of reality and are in lockdown, they can pull out their notebook and read the warnings. Do you see the laughable insanity in that? What good is a warning after you’re in the situation you’ve been warned about, and did nothing about?
The wise heed warnings and do something about it. What if Noah had that attitude? We sure wouldn’t be here today! The wise see the warnings and act. They return to square one and re-evaluate, then go another direction to reach their destination. That’s the mind of a total secular, a pragmatist, a logical thinker, and of those who know their Elohim, are strong, and act (Daniel 11:32). But religion has so mushed up reality, that people are coming up with lunacy and acting on that. You don’t need a warning article, or podcast, when your car is falling over a broken bridge into a raging river below and sinking! That is my wisdom for the day! (I’m laughing) Love, Yedidah – November 23, 2020