“Confirmation Above and Beyond After Thirty Two Years” is posted under the Mikvah of Present Reality 344.0.
This is a two page letter to subscribers and anyone who visits the website. It is an encouragement to watch an interview that was a powerful confirmation of the truth Yahuwah began showing me in 1992 regarding America as end-time Babylon historically, Biblically, and actually in great minute detail.
I’ve been getting confirmation for about 10 years, but this is a powerful interview of Jamie Walden with Steve Quayle on Doug Hagmann’s program from this last Thursday evening. I love listening to Jamie. I read his book Omega Dynamics. He was a Marine, and has gone on to be involved in rescuing and rehabilitating children who were taken to the Dominican Republic for sex-trafficking. Jamie is involved in so many critical things that bring the life of Yahuwah and Yahushua to other human beings. And he sure knows the Word! I love his enthusiasm, because that’s in me, that is what is growing in my spirit as I have “fought through” “endured” and “overcome” in the last nearly 2 years of surgeries, rehab, etc. Yahuwah is preparing us for our assignments for Him right now.
Abba is training His people for the times ahead. This is a preparatory message that I want you to hear. It will greatly wake up anyone who is dull of hearing and dull of acting. Let us be “on fire” with the dynamics of the Spirit of Yahuwah, for the time is very short before Messiah must come, or there will be “no flesh saved alive.”
Blessings, Yedidah – January 22, 2024