Shabbat Shalom!

Chinese Year of the Dragon 2024 is posted under the Mikvah of Present Reality #357.0, and under “Recent Articles” on the main page of

We were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb to free us from sin and all attachment to the dark kingdom of the fallen damned, led by Lucifer/Satan and fallen angels. Revelation 12 tells us of the great Dragon, Lucifer, being thrown out of heaven onto the earth, and his fury to get revenge. With him millions of angels were also thrown out for siding with Lucifer. “Lucifer” was the name Yah gave him, meaning – “light bearer.” He was the chief praise and worship leader, over the throne of Yahuwah. But, pride took over and he wanted to sit on throne of Yahuwah.

Of course, Lucifer, and the fallen angels, are created beings. Their Creators will see to it that they end up in the lake of fire forever. The lake of fire, the Bible says, was created “for the Devil and his angels,” not for us. But, because we attached ourselves to the Devil/Lucifer, who became Satan, the “adversary,” it is for humans too.

Our task and great privilege as born again believers in the death, burial, and resurrection of our overcoming Savior, Son of Yahuwah, is to lead as many as possible out of the stronghold of Lucifer and the fallen ones, into eternal life through the Savior Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus.

It is no coincidence that this is the year of the Dragon. This is Chinese horoscope wickedness. Yet, the Chinese, in China at least, take the Dragon very seriously. Many Chinese emperors believed they were descendants of the Dragon. Lucifer/Satan is symbolized as a fiery red dragon. Of course, the Empire State Building in New York City draped a huge blow-up red dragon on its pinnacle, and a green dragon too.

I came across a video of Jonathan Cahn’s recently where he told of his new book that is supposed to come out in November, about the dragon – “The Dragon Prophecy…”

This article is simply a short presentation with pictures, but it reminds us that we have an enemy that wants to “devour” us in every way. The government and governments around the world worship and serve THE Dragon of 2024 forward. Their lust is to reduce humanity down to zero- and all life on earth that reminds them of the Creators (Genesis 1:3).

I share several Scriptures that talk about Satan/Lucifer as “the red dragon” that wants to get rid of the Savior/Messiah, our Beloved One, Son of Yahuwah. He is a real entity – an angelic being with great power. However, never forget Luke 10:19 and many other Scriptures, like our battle armor of Ephesians 6:10-18. We are overcomers by the “blood of the Lamb.” Revelation 4-5.

Actually, “they” fear those who KNOW Yahuwah and Yahushua well, as Friends, as They were with Abraham, and Moses. They fear those who are empowered by the Spirit of Yahuwah! They are like the “big, bad, wolf” of the children’s folk story – they huff and they puff and do all they can to “blow the house down,” but there are those whose believers in Elohim whose “houses” are made of thick rock.

The world goes after the symbols of the fallen ones. We go after the Word of the Most High, the Almighty One. In His love, Yedidah, Shabbat Shalom, June 29, 2024


1.9 MiB

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