Chag Sameach! Shabbat Shalom! Blow the shofar at the new moon! (Psalm 81:1-3a)
Shalom Y’all!
The New Moon was sighted this evening, Friday, September 18th, 2020 by many observers who were looking this evening…
Reports received from various observers in Israel:
“Moon sighted (naked eye) at 6:51 (then lost to sight, then seen again) from Poriya Illit by Becca Biderman.”
“From Jerusalem at 6:54pm by Devorah Gordon, followed by Rebeca Corlan, Ion Corlan, Cristian Pricop, Dawn Austin, Grant and Reidar.”
This means sunset on Friday, 18 September 2020 marks the beginning of the new month and the Feast Of Trumpets!
Sighted By: Denis, Maureen Chkolnik. Yoel Halevi and his son. Becca Biderman…. Rebeca Corlan, Ion Corlan, Cristian Pricop, Dawn Austin, Grant and Reidar.
Date Sighted: Friday, September 18th, 2020.
Time Sighted: 7:06pm Jerusalem, Israel time.
Biblical Hebrew Month: This will be the Seventh Biblical Hebrew Month, also known as Tishri or Ethanim.
The Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah begins at sunset Friday, September 18th 2020.
Atonment/Yom Kippurim: Monday, September 28th
Tabernacles/Sukkot: Saturday, October 3rd – Friday, October 9th
Last Great Day of the Feast: Saturday, October 10th