Chag Sameach! Happy New Year!

     Tonight the new moon was sighted from Jerusalem by several witnesses as reported by Devorah Gordon in Jerusalem – therefore we just entered Aviv – HALLELUYAH! This means that April 8th is PASSOVER.


Thursday, March 26th is New Year’s Day – the head of the Festival Year!

   Wednesday, April 8th is Passover

   Wednesday April 9th to Thursday April 15th is Unleavened Bread

   Wavesheaf/First Fruits Sunday, April 12

   Pentecost/Feast of Weeks Sunday, May 31


Wow, the same night that Jews will celebrate it. The same night all of Israel will celebrate it. This is highly significant. I see it as a statement that Yahuwah is uniting His loved ones worldwide around His Son, our Savior and Master, Yahushua ha Machiach.

We pray for the Jewish people that their eyes might be opened to understand that without the blood of their own Passover Lamb they have no salvation. We pray that they seek Him and find Him! May the words of Leviticus 17:11 reach into their spirit! May they seek the Lamb of Elohim who took away the sin of the world and be saved.

We know from Zechariah 14:1-5 that many will come out of the tunnels under Jerusalem to welcome Yahushua. We know that many are being born again in Israel today, as men like Messianic rabbi Zev Porat go forth with the message of Isaiah 53 to the Jewish community and the witness of leading Kabbalist rabbi Yitzak Kaduri who found Messiah at age 106. After a lifetime of Kabbalah and fame, Kaduri sought the real Messiah. Yahushua appeared to him at age 106 and gave him His Hebrew name. This led to his being born again. He then taught his Yeshiva students about Messiah and some of them were born again. But, when the public announcement that he posted in code was deciphered after his death, his belief in Yahushua was greatly attacked by Jewish Rabbis, Orthodox and Hasidic. Today, his testimony is being used to win Jews to salvation/Yeshua.

I highly recommend Carl Gallups’s book co-authored with Zev Porat: The Rabbi, The Secret Message and the Identity of Messiah. It is a marvelous book telling of the spread of the Good News inside Israel, with persecution of course. Zev Porat was even led by the Spirit to witness to an Islamic Imam would was born again and had to flee into hiding.

It just takes a revelation to the spirit for those seeking truth to find truth. So, we pray for all Israel of the House of Judah and the House of Israel/Ephraim to know their coming King.

I miss Israel very much! It is very dear to my heart, and also my friends there who are facing much tribulation before Messiah comes. But, Abba’s eye is still on His Land and His people and His will is going to be done totally!

We’ve entered into intense tribulation time, but this time is for our good, in order to prepare us for eternity in the Kingdom of Light.

May we all have a blessed Passover! Read Revelation 11:15-19!

In the love of our Savior, Master, and soon-coming King, Yedidah

March 25, 2020

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