“Breaking News Update: Israeli Government and Israeli Citizens – February 25, 2021” is #84.0 under the Mikvah of Israel Our Eternal Inheritance or Recent Articles on the Main Page.
This quick update contains loads of information for prayer for the citizens of Israel. Pray specifically for those you know, or know of, for the preparation groundwork for the coming of the Beast, anti-messiah, to Jerusalem, is being laid.
Kabbalist Talmudic rabbis in government positions and as supreme rabbis of Israel are working through the government for the arrival of their “machiach,” and thus the “weeding out,” the “purging out” of all who would not bow to their machiach, would not worship him, would not take his “mark” of identification. but stand against him, is underway.
This is current information with short-video links to hear for yourself.
This is very serious for us all. Learn and pray with wisdom and understanding.
I share with you the heart of the Messianic and Christian Jews in the Land.
In His love, Yedidah
February 25, 2021