I don’t if you’re keeping up with the daily breaking news by alternative news sources that are telling the truth about what’s going on in Syria, but we have a serious situation going on with U.S. and British troops inside Syria, because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time, for the wrong reasons.
To lay a foundation, U.S. troops have entrenched themselves inside Syria, with bases and airfields, drones and planes on the SE corner near the Iraqi and Jordan border, with firepower that can reach Damascus. Much fake news is going out on public media in America that hides what America and Britain are doing inside Syria. Steven ben Nun is one of the best news reporters I know of because of his serious research, and his love for his people – Israeli people. Israel is also intervening in Syria and provoking Iran. So, that’s a vulnerable situation too.
Please asap, watch Steve be Nun’s short video: “Breaking News: US and British Forces Trapped in Idlib Syria – YouTube:-
Israeli News Live: “Breaking News: U.S. and British Forces Trapped in Idlib Syria. September 8, 2018
Their being with terrorists in Idlib exposes a lot for the knowledgeable. What happened that got around 200 American and British troops in this very dangerous situation? But, then, why are they there in the first place?
I’ve written the truth about this several times in letters like this one, and in special news reports, but this situation is worsening. Whose side is America on, whose side is Britain on? You may be shocked. But, if you follow my news reporting, you won’t be shocked (smile).
Civil war really started in Syria a few years ago, the truth remains hidden. But, for sure, it was a purposed takeover of Syria, as part of the purposed destabilization of the Middle East that began in earnest singlehandedly by Obama in January of 2011. Research the beginnings.
I lived in southern Jordan for 8 years. I learned a lot from talking to Arabs, Palestinians, and Bedouin living there, about what was really happening. I was learned a lot from friends who were Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Iraqis, living inside Jordan. I met with several Christians who lived in Damascus. They told how Basher Assad gave them freedom to worship. They had churches there that were protected. The Egyptians said the same about Mubarak in Egypt.
The false flags and fake news are atrocious. Assad has not used chemical weapons on his people. Assad protected his people. These atrocities are being done by Jihadist terrorists, like AlQaeda, ISIS, White Helmet, and others with other names. But, when the light is shown on whose side America is on, we find that the “rebels,” the terrorist groups, were created, united, funded, and provided with weapons mainly by the U.S. Remember “America’s Secret Destiny.”
I’m not saying the Russians are the good guys, but the Russians are backing a government in Syria that should never have been attacked in the first place. Syria is, however, gathering the Ezekiel 38 lineup together in position. So, Yahuwah is letting the plans of the evil ones work out, bringing things to a head before He steps in!
The underlying motive of everything, war, economic collapse, orchestrated famine, lab-created diseases, etc., is for the purpose of the Elite takeover, the Globalists, for a new world order. The returned Nephilim and fallen angels are in control of it all through their lackeys. As you can read in “The Secret Destiny of America,”/Mikvah of Preparation, America was created to reincarnate and restore Nimrod to power of the world as world ruler. Nimrod through the centuries took on various names, like Osiris, Horus, and Apollo, or Apollyon of Revelation 9:11.
What we’ve been seeing since the early 1900s, beginning in Russia, is the working out of the 1871 plan by Guisippe Mazzini and Albert Pike. What we’re seeing being worked out is Part III of the Mazzin/Pike Plan right down to the last detail, as it was with Part I (WWI) and with Part II (WWII), and now working on WWIII by pitting Arabs and Jews against each other, and terrorists against the western nations.
Go back and read the article of June 6, 2018: “Hitler’s Secret Plan for World Conquest Exposed”/Mikvah of Present Reality. Public news is saying nothing about what’s going on. But, those who are preparing for Messiah’s return have the privilege a short time longer to research for themselves.
Here I give you a few notes from this breaking news story and some quotes by Steven ben Nun, a Messianic Jew, our brother in faith.
There are approximately 200 British and US troops trapped in Idlib, northwestern Syria. As Steven pointed out again, and as I’ve been reading about in documented books for over a year, the U.S. created Al Qaeda, ISIS, the White Helmet Jihadists, and the Muslim Brotherhood with the help of the Nazis, and many other terrorist organizations. It’s just facts. We fund them, and provide them with weapons, and are inside Syria to protect them. That’s why we were in Idlib. The White Helmet Jihadists were planning on a chemical weapons attack on the citizens of Idlib, to blame it on Assad, as they regularly do. The last time this happened, it was found that the chemical gas came from Germany. Trump sent a ship to fire on Damascus because of this heinous crime that Assad did, but we found out that Assad did not do it, and the heinous crime may have been a staged scenario.
The U.S. and Britain are afraid the truth will come out, and they do not want their people knowing why they are inside Syria. Besides the base with air strips and drones, planes, etc. right off the major highway going from Damascus into Iraq, they are up in Idlib.
The U.S. and British troops trapped in an area where the White Helmet Jihadists are entrenched, working on a false flag chemical attack, have asked Turkey and Russia to help them get out. Well, the U.S. asked. It’s almost humorous. There is a NATO base inside Turkey right near the border of Turkey with Idlib to the west. The Turks are NATO partners with the U.S. and Britain. But, Turkey has refused to help them. Do you see the irony in that!
The Russian agreed to help them. But, the British refused Russia’s help because the Brits don’t want their people to know that Russia offered to help. Bad publicity! Russia’s supposed to be the evil guys.
Earlier this year a major headline read: “Syrian Special Forces Captured 14 U.S. Coalition Officers Captured in Aleppo.” What were we doing there?
In another incident, the U.S. was trapped with AlQaeda and White Helmet terrorists who were carrying out an attack against Syria. That was earlier in 2018. Why was the U.S. trapped with two specific groups they helped to create?
So much fake news! Business Insider wrote an article on September 6, 2018: “Russia Reportedly Warns the U.S. That It’s Prepared to Attack Key Bases Where Dozens of U.S. Troops Are Stationed.” That was a lie! The truth is that Syrian Forces said they would start a takeout of ISIS in Syria. The U.S. protects its creation. Russia plays no games.
So now, Russia’s willingness to help get the 200 U.S. troops get out shows they are not playing games. But, the Brits are afraid it will ruin their reputation if someone finds out that Russia helped them. So they turned Russia down.
This war is getting out of hand. Steven said, “This war will spread outside of Syria.” “Something sinister is about to happen.” Other watchmen are saying the same thing.
Steven reminds us of what I wrote in: “Russia is Preparing Its Citizens for Nuclear War – What is Your Nation Doing to Prepare Its Citizens for Disasters”/Mikvah of Preparation. Putin is preparing His people very well for nuclear attack. But, the U.S. is not preparing its citizens for anything but to go to sleep after a night of T.V. fantasy.
Steven reminds us that “the daughter of Babylon,” is America. Steven said that 200 watchers came from their dimension onto Mount Hermon in the days of Jered. These 200 are chained in Tartaros until the Day of Yahuwah. But, there are perhaps thousands of other fallen angels who have come to earth in the last 120 years and brought mankind the technology for travel and for war, for drugs, and for immorality. Their goals are the goals of their chosen ones–the Elite who operate behind the scenes, are for world takeover. That is fast coming to pass.
America is in striking distance of Damascus. Damascus is almost wiped out now. Look at the whole chapter of Isaiah 17. After Damascus becomes a ruinous heap, what causes destruction to spread down to the area of Ephraim in Samaria, not far north of Jerusalem? And at what time of year is it? — The time of the harvesting of the five species of fruit: grapes, figs, dates, pomegranates, and olives – the time of Tishre, the time of the Fall Festivals. This is also the season in which Messiah will return, to gather “the precious fruit of the earth,” as Ya’cob/James tells us in Ya’cob 5:7-8. The references to this time of year to do with His coming, and major events leading to His coming, are many!
Please go over the article and look up the Scriptures about this time of year, “The Season of the Coming of Messiah and Yahuwah’s Judgment on the World.” I really want you to read this amazing compilation of Scripture!
No, we’re not through with this present cycle of 7 years yet, but we are approaching the mid-point. From the mid-point, Passover 2019, things will accelerate. There is no cookie cutter timing, but as we seek Abba, He will show us what He is doing and why. Abba is in urgent mode with His servants to position us for the final times. He is working to transition us from where we are to where we’re supposed to be.
Don’t be fooled by fake news, lies, mind manipulation, and deceptions. Beware of what you defend as righteous and good. Do your homework. Check the daily list of news stories from reliable resources on Pray and listen to His discerning Spirit. Ask Abba to lead you into all Truth!
May you remain in peace and calm, resting in Abba’s sustaining power,
Shalom, Yedidah,
September 8, 2018