“Beware of Fundamental Christian Eschatology and All Reasoning of Mortal Men” is #64.0 under the Mikvah of Preparation.
This article peels back the falsehood and inserts the truth. So much of old-time Christian eschatology from the 1960s, or before, remains the bedrock of belief for multi-millions of believers. Yet, because of interpreting scripture with a Greco-Roman mindset, putting the Bible into American perspective and cultural understanding, with added input and lies from the Jesuits included, and Latin inserts, end-time prophecy of fundamental Christianity has some real falsehood in it – even the spreading of a great deception that has led multi-millions of believers to be lax and lazy about their faith and not preparing for tribulation. Going through tribulation, the pressure of the tribulum to free us from the chaff that encases us, our carnality, is a favor, a mercy, a kindness from Yahuwah to prepare us to enter the Kingdom. It is a time of testing to see if we really are born again, or just head-believers. (Matthew 13; Philippians 1:29) Abba has to divide. And the 5th seal of Revelation 6:9-11 is the great divider – it is the Mark 13:9-12 divider. Take your stand and be unshakable and unmovable, for the days ahead will shake not just the earth but every human on it, so that what is believed is either proved to be true, or false.
Go through this article and see if you’re still holding onto ideas that came from people trying to figure things out in their head. So many people are expecting things to happen that won’t happen because it’s made-up doctrine. Test yourself to see if you still believe falsehood because some trusted minister sounded so good, and soothed you so greatly. Where does your faith rest?
Americans are the most fearful people on earth, being mind programmed into ease, comfort, and convenience, affluence, and the “good life.” Well, the good life of this world has always been the enemy of Yahuwah’s true children. We need to test ourselves. We must allow the Spirit to convict us of wrong, and correct it by our repentance.
I go by the whole Word taught to me by the Spirit of Yahuwah within me. What I have learned has been confirmed over and over. Yahuwah uses people to confirm many times. Some of the greatest confirmation comes from objective secular people. Yahuwah is creative in His modus operandi.
Deuteronomy 8:3: We live by every word that proceeds forth from the mouth of Yahuwah. Be sure, when you read the Word that every word is carefully considered.
The Spirit within the re-born spirit is our Teacher of absolute Truth. The whole Word is interconnected. As you read, you’ll see that clearly.
I am having much backlash from the 2019 new computer, Windows 10, with the full blast of 5-G that is harming my eyes and causing other problems in my body. I must be careful not to be on the computer very long. For 20 years, when not traveling, I’ve been on the computer 8-10 hours, or more, a day. All was fine with 2-G and old Windows models. But, now I am realizing what I’ve written in my 5-G articles of warnings. I am using blue-light blocking glasses which help. This is why I’m podcasting more! The podcasts are to build your faith!
Thank you for your prayers and financial support as I have my eyes checked, and also must have expensive dental surgery. It would be nice to have more than 2 teeth on my lower jaw to chew with (smile).
In His love, Yedidah
March 9, 2020
For sending offerings/love gifts or tithe:
1) Address for 2019: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162
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Note: My son, Derek Townsend, manages my website and my Pay Pal account, so you’ll see his name when you go to send via Pay Pal, but all offerings come to me!