Shabbat Shalom!!! “Joy to the World Messiah the Savior Reigns”:

Did you know that the Christmas hymn “Joy to the World” is about the second coming of Yahushua? It’s OK to sing it every day of the year!!!

“Betrayal By Those You’d Never Suspect” is #210.0/Mikvah of Present Reality.

In reviewing this letter, it has pastoral overtones. I’ve been a pastor. I taught pastors for a few years in Africa. So, I know what it means to be a shepherd who cares for the sheep. It is fascinating that a few watchmen are taking on a shepherding nature more than usual.

This article is one you need to pray over before sharing with anyone even to relatives. I talk more about this below. This article is written to the wise!

This type of insider information is for those who need it – not for sensationalism or scare tactics. It is just that things are coming to light, some I’ve already written and podcasted about, but not elaborated on. In this case, as with a few articles I’ve written lately, I will not podcast it.

There are things which have been set in motion that keep accelerating. Of course, the Josef Gobbel’s public news propaganda is flowing with toxins – deceiving the masses. But, you’re not one of the masses – are you?

We are right on the cusp of the time of Amos 5:13 – when the wise are silent.

Shortly, because of the truth coming out from Yahuwah’s watchmen, both from Christian sources, Messianic sources, and secular sources, those who have openly been able to speak the truth will have to really cut back on public presentations, or go into another way altogether of getting out the word. We’re at a major turning point in history – back to the days of Noah and the Flood – though worse.

I recently posted “Prophetic Words of End-Time Plans…” which is #209.0. Michael Snyder, a Biblically-anchored Christian, surprised me in the last chapter of his book, from which I quote in that article. He’s like Michael Lake and many other “Christians” who also guard Shabbat, the Festivals, the Ten Commandments, and understand that the “Old Testament” was not done away with but is the foundation for the “New Testament,” which Messiah reenforced. In the last chapter of his book he goes into Ezekiel 37:15-28 and the restoration of the House of Israel/Ephraim with the House of Judah. He understands more, it appears, that a lot of Messianics.

I was thrilled with his love of the Commandments and the guarding of the teachings and instructions of our Master. L.A. Marzulli in one of his books goes into detail about his salvation and then about how God led him to guard the Torah.

Sha’ul said: “Judge no man before the time.” He speaks of the time of the Judgment of Yahushua. We do not know how Yahuwah is dealing with an individual to prepare them for the Kingdom. He has people whose names are in the Book of Life stuck in all denominations. At the same time, we see ultra-critical Messiancs so far from salvation and from knowing Yahuwah as a Person who are all puffed up with their own great intellectual knowledge of Torah. Without the Spirit of Yahuwah dwelling within, no one can really understand the Scriptures. Man sure doesn’t have all the answers. To depend on man to teach total truth about what is heavenly is insanity. Only those who are Spirit-taught grasp those things which sets them apart.

The Spirit of Yahuwah, Whom so many apostate Christians and Messianic folk reject, even though He is Yahuwah, is the One who will get the truth to us, even if by His speaking only to our spirit. He is the One who knows where our enemies are lurking and who gives wisdom and plans to us for action. He is the one who teaches, directs, guides, and comforts. Without Him on the inside of a re-born spirit, as He once resided over the Ark of the Covenant, a person is devoid of help from the throne room. Saying one is saved and then rejecting the One Messiah came to give us to live in us, is self-deceiving. Get familiar with John 16 and Romans 8.

Religion is the devil’s playground! Except the game is for eternal destination.

This article will give you information you won’t find very many places on planet earth. Take it seriously. But, put a guard on your mouth and only speak as Yahuwah’s Spirit leads you from within. He also comes with His gifts, as well as His power to transform and translate.

Know who your enemy is, and do not assume anyone is “safe.” Go carefully over the initial Scriptures. The Word is speaking more plainly to us now than ever before.

Pray for the true believers in Canada and England and Australia – the draconian rules being imposed on them is horrible. I’m hearing from some of them. Now, we read that California is being subjected to another lockdown. Have you heard Dana Coverstone’s dream of December 17? It sounds strangely familiar to a dream that “Mike from around the world” has told on one of Paul Begley’s interviews. Pray for President Trump.

I have pulled back from even my 4-5 regular watchmen’s YouTube programs and now am concentrating only on two. They are all basically saying the same things, but one in particular is getting to be more pastoral and Scripture-teaching along with reporting. What he says, the others say in various degrees of shallowness, or not shallowness.

It’s time for only thinking, doing, and saying what aligns to the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah and what aligns to what the Spirit says to YOU personally.

Either get into His perimeters of safety, or get out. It’s that critical now.

Remember Daniel 12:10! Be wise!

Shabbat Shalom with joy, blessings, and revelation knowledge, Yedidah

December 4, 2020

Betrayal By Those You'd Never Suspect
Betrayal By Those You'd Never Suspect
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