“Being on the Inside Looking Outside, Even When Outside” is #130.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.
This is built on a revelation and experience I had related to it yesterday morning, Shabbat morning, February 6th, 2021. Yet as I began expanding on what He showed me and what I felt, He gave me broader understanding to share with you.
Please, in reading the articles, listening to the podcasts, make sure you go over the Scriptures for yourself, praying over them, applying them. Abba wants to talk to you. He wants to manifest what He is doing so that you participate in it.
Hearing Him, being absorbed into His Presence, seeing His consistent patterns that give us security and lets us know how important we are to Him, operating in His gifts, moving under His authority – all of these things are more are for your experience and relationship with Him. He is waiting for you to be in His Presence so that He can let you feel His glory/esteem, His Presence. He is the Teacher. He is the Spirit of Truth. Prioritize your life so that you love His Word and want to let Him teach it to you, so that your passion grows to reach others with His Truth.
Share the articles and podcasts. I got a letter from a lady in Australia who blessed me. She was given my website information and continued further on her journey of growing in the love of our Father. She came from a religious Jewish background, yet, by learning about the true Messiah of all of Israel, somewhere along her journey she was born again. As Sha’ul tells us, some plant seeds, some water, some till the soil, and some reap the harvest. We all have our part to do. My main assignment other than the basic one for all of us, the “ministry of reconciliation,” has been to take His set-apart ones, whose names are in the Book of Life, from the foundation of the world, to where He wants them to be in Him. So that they enter the freedom of giving their will to His Spirit so that we “die to self,” and submit to Him for our transformation. We are called to “make disciples,” yes, “teaching,” but also to be a spirit-to-spirit go-between, between Abba and the person He wants to reach out to. It’s a cooperative work with the King of kings and the Shaddai, Elyon of the universe. What a privilege!!!
In His love, Yedidah
February 7, 2021