Aviv 1 and Passover 2021: Sunset March 15th and After Sunset March 29th

Shalom! “Aviv 1 and Passover 2021: Sunset March 15th and After Sunset March 29th…” is posted under Recent Articles on the main page, and under the Mikvah of the Covenant #53.0.

The new moon was NOT sighted from Jerusalem tonight for Aviv 1. Therefore, by default, the 30th day of Adar begins tonight, and tomorrow night is Aviv 1 – the 16th. This puts Passover after sunset on March 29th.

In this 2-page letter-article, I share the whys of the timing and why it is important to keep only Yahuwah’s timing. If we keep Yahuwah’s timing astutely, He will let us in on His secrets regarding His Prophetic timing to do with the return of His Son!!! If you play religious games with His timing, or for convenience choose man’s pre-set dates for Festivals, He won’t bother you with His timing for anything.

I am reporting from the most astute researchers who guard the “ancient paths.”

Yes, we will go into Aviv 1 on the eve of the 15th. Yes, the barley is in the Aviv stage for a good Passover, and wave offering on First Fruits.

Chag Sameach!

Yedidah, March 14, 2021

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