Shalom! Shalom!
“Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors – We’ve Entered a Debris Field – Revelation 8:6-9” is under the Mikvah of Present Reality #180.0.
How convenient! Prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago, just in time for the two asteroids of Revelation 8:6-9 to arrive, earth has entered a mighty debris field. Huge space rocks are being pulled towards earth’s atmosphere by an unknown gravitational pull on our planet from our southern position.
Earth is changing in many ways, but also the other planets in our solar system, as well as our sun, are showing changes. I give you some amazing reality in this article that explains why we’re increasing so greatly in radiation-levels, why the earth is heating up, why we’re in a pole shift, why meteors are hitting earth, and why some very large asteroids are skimming earth’s atmosphere too close for comfort.
Another large asteroid is due to skim earth very closely on March 22nd. I also include a picture of a comet that appeared to be no-big-deal not long ago, that ate Popeye’s spinach and now is shocking astronomers as to its increased strength and size. Check with March 16th for Comet Atlas.
I begin the article with a coronavirus update, and enforce what we’re really looking at. The coronavirus is not the problem!
Note how the world’s statistics tell you how many are infected. They tell you how many have died. But, strangely, they do not tell you the 90-94% who got well from it. It’s not the monster it is touted to be! Yes, it is killing people, but many included in the stats died from other causes.
The reaction here in our area of Texas is insane. We don’t even have 5 cases of infection in a metroplex of at least 3 million, yet yesterday all restaurants were closed, businesses closed, churches closing, all schools closed, etc. But, the people are performing exactly to the grin of the world rulers, scared into submission.
I had to postpone my dental surgery. I may have to postpone the minor eye surgery. I went out to the Post Office today and prayed for all the employees of the restaurants who are hurting financially. We face national martial law – lockdown- quarantine – and who knows what else. Like I’ve written, 80,000 die annually of the flu in America and no one reports it as more than “normal.” Yet this just a little stronger flu spread with help all over the world, and it’s a “pandemic.” The agenda is much greater – worse than any pandemic. Notice how the U.N. and WHO is increasing in power over the earth during this time?
I hope you’re doing well, and have prepared before all the stuff started leaving the grocery shelves!
In His powerful love, Yedidah
March 19, 2020